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How to add a link_to in a select_tag with Rails/ERB?

I have the following code in my index.html.erb

 <%= select_tag 'team_id', options_for_select(@teams.map{|team| ["#{team.name} #
  {team.nick}", team.id] }) %>

Where would I add a link_to helper within that block? Can I even add a link_to for select_tag?

The desired link_to would go to '/Teamleader/ID_OF_OPTION_PICKED'


To be more clear; when a user selects an option from the select tag, I want to redirect the page to the desired link (from link_to).

<%= select_tag 'team_id', options_from_collection_for_select(@teams, "id", "name") %>

      $('#team_id').bind('change', function () {
         var url = "/Teamleader/" + $(this).val()
          if (url) {
          return false;


<%= select_tag 'team_id', options_from_collection_for_select(@teams, "id", "name"),:onchange => "window.location.replace('/Teamleader/'+this.value);" %>

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