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JQuery plugin lightbox_me in rails app

Cheers! I am trying to implement popup window with Lightbox_me plugin in my Ruby On Rails application. I have downloaded jquery.lightbox_me.js , put it to app/assets/javascripts , add //= require jquery.lightbox_me in application.js file, and in home.js.coffee (I've HomeController) I do stuff like this:

`$(".popup-button").click (e) ->
  alert "!!!"
  $(".download_layout").lightbox_me centered: true

alert shows normally, but .lightbox_me doesn't work. Whats the problem?

EDIT: application.js

//= require jquery
//= require jquery_ujs
//= require jquery.lightbox_me
//= require bootstrap
//= require_tree .

Try to stick to the CoffeeScript syntax :

$(document).ready ->
  $(".popup-button").click (e) ->
      centered: true

EDIT : Don't forget to place this very important string on the top of your .js.coffee (I have replicated your code on my machine and it works) :

$(document).ready ->

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