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Trigger click event on link tag in JS for Android and iPhone

I am developing mobile web application using Sencha Touch (JavaScript & ExtJS). I have a link tag (just <a> tag with href ), and I need to trigger click event on it.
I have found that call of myelement.dom.click(); do the job, but it's not working for Android... Is there some kind of universal solution?


I have a container with html code:

<a href="http://google.com" id="link_to_click" target="_blank">CLICK ME</a>

I need to simulate click on this link using only plain JavaScript and ExtJS . The link must be opened in new window/tab.

Use the HTMLEvents object with document.createEvent() to simulate a click on a link.

var link = document.getElementById( 'link_to_click' ),
    event = document.createEvent( 'HTMLEvents' );

event.initEvent( 'click', true, true );
link.dispatchEvent( event );


WebView wv = (WebView) findViewById(R.id.webview);


function bindIcons() {

            jQuery("a.icons").bind('mouseover mouseout mousedown mouseup focus blur touchstart touchend', function (e){
              if (typeof console !== "undefined" ) console.log(e);
              if (e.type=='mouseover' || e.type=='focus') 

              if (e.type=='mousedown' || e.type=='touchstart') 

              if (e.type=='mouseout' || e.type=='mouseup' || e.type=='touchend' || e.type=='blur') 

            if (isAndroid())


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