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Google Analytics Funnel Visualization Not Reporting Magento OnePage Checkout Process Correctly

I'm running a Magento website which uses the OnePage checkout method. I've added the following script to /app/design/frontend/< my site >/template/checkout/onepage.phtml:-

<script type="text/javascript">
Checkout.prototype.gotoSection = function(section) {
try {
_gaq.push(['_trackPageview', 'checkout/onepage/' + section]);
} catch(err) { }
section = $('opc-'+section);

and I've set up within Google Analytics a goal which does the following:-

Goal URL: /checkout/onepage/success/
Match Type: Head Match
Step 1: /checkout/cart/ - Cart
Step 2: /checkout/onepage/ - Login or Register
Step 3: /checkout/onepage/billing - Billing Address
Step 4: /checkout/onepage/shipping - Shipping Address
Step 5: /checkout/onepage/shipping_method/ - Shipping Method
Step 6: /checkout/onepage/payment/ - Payment Details
Step 7: /checkout/onepage/review/ - Review

The issue I'm having is that whilst goal conversions are being correctly reported I receive incorrect reporting results via the funnel visualization such as /checkout/onepage/billing appearing at the Login or Register stage which means I'm losing data after this stage as to where people have exited. Can anyone help please?

This is my current setup that work without any issues


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