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How to make a jQuery plugin (jquery.cookie, jquery.validate.unobtrusive) loadable with requirejs and use.js

I been trying to extend template application from http://net.tutsplus.com/tutorials/javascript-ajax/building-a-scalable-app-with-backbone-js/ . With following implementation I am facing “Uncaught ReferenceError: jQuery is not defined”. Can someone please let me know what could be the problem causing it.

// Set the require.js configuration for your application.
  // Initialize the application with the main application file
  deps: ["main"],
  urlArgs: "bust=" + (new Date()).getTime(),
  waitSeconds: 15,
  paths: {
    // JavaScript folders
    libs: "../assets/js/libs",
    plugins: "../assets/js/plugins",

    // Libraries
    //jquery: "../assets/js/libs/jquery",
    jquery: "http://code.jquery.com/jquery-1.7.min",
    jquerycookie:  "../assets/js/libs/jquery.cookie",
    jqueryDataTables: "../assets/js/libs/jquery.dataTables.min",
    jqueryValidate: "../assets/js/libs/jquery.validate",
    jqueryValidateUnobtrusive: "../assets/js/libs/jquery.validate.unobtrusive",
    underscore: "../assets/js/libs/underscore",
    backbone: "../assets/js/libs/backbone",
    highcharts:  "../assets/js/libs/highcharts/highcharts",
    highstock:  "../assets/js/libs/highcharts/highstock",
    easyXDM:     "../assets/js/libs/easyXDM/easyXDM.min",
    dateFormat: "../assets/js/libs/date.format",
    // Shim Plugin
    use: "../assets/js/plugins/use"
  priority: [
  use: {
    backbone: {
      deps: ["use!underscore", "jquery"],
      attach: "Backbone"
    jqueryDataTables: {
        deps: ["jquery"]
    jqueryValidate: {
        deps: ["jquery"]
    jqueryValidateUnobtrusive: {
        deps: ["jquery", "jqueryValidate"]
    jquerycookie: {
        deps: ["jquery"]
    underscore: {
      attach: "_"
    highcharts: {
      exports: 'Highcharts'
    highstock: {
      exports: 'highstock'


    // Libs


    // Modules


function(namespace, $, jqDT, Backbone,
         jqCookie, jqValidate, jqValidateUnobtrusive, highcharts,       
         tricklebot, Home, Dashboard, Profile, Transactions, Analysis, Signup) {

我认为您正在遵循一个过时的教程,require.js配置中的usepriority已被shim替换,请查看: https : //github.com/jrburke/requirejs/wiki/Upgradeing-to-RequireJS-2.0

There is an easier way to load plain JS files now with newer RequireJS - a way that avoids all that paths, maps, shim nonsense:

            , 'path/to/plugin1' // <- plain js file but OMIT ".js" extension in the ID
            , 'path/to/plugin2' // <- plain js file but OMIT ".js" extension in the ID
            , 'path/to/plugin3' // <- plain js file but OMIT ".js" extension in the ID
        , function(myModule /*, it does not matter what plugins return*/){
            // jQuery will have all the above plugins applied by now
            // because they apply their code to global window.jQuery
            // just start using them

The use of plan JavaScript file without ".js" makes it subject to all 'maps' and 'paths' modifications just like module IDs, but still does not complain when/if the plain JS file is not a module.

The modules are NOT reloaded on subsequent loads because they are cached from the first time. Profit!

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