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adding a function to <enter> in emacs

I wanted to add (delete-trailing-whitespace) with my enter.

I can't find what gives and hence I can't bind it to my new function.

How can I achieve this ?

Personally I don't recommend binding it to the enter key as that can happen quite often and may be slow, instead I use

(add-hook 'before-save-hook 'delete-trailing-whitespace)

This just removes all the trailing whitespace when you save the file instead of each time you hit a key.

If you still want to bind it then see @ataylor's answer instead.

How about just removing whitespace from the lines you are pressing RET on?

(defun delete-whitespace-on-this-line-then-newline ()
  "before doing a newline, remove any trailing whitespace on this line"
      (when (re-search-forward "\\s-+$" (line-end-position) t)
        (replace-match ""))))

It's not as good an answer as Jesus Ramos's , but it's kind of what you're asking for.

Keys have to be bound to commands, so first define a command that does what you want:

(defun delete-trailing-whitespace-newline ()

The defun needs an interactive form at the top level to be a command. Then bind the key to the command:

(global-set-key (kbd "RET") 'delete-trailing-whitespace-newline)

Take a look at this answer, and its comments:


I use ws-trim to automatically remove trailing whitespace only from lines which I edit (which is a more robust solution to what I believe you are wanting to achieve with your key binding for enter ).

event_jr also mentions ws-butler , which does something similar, but only removes the trailing whitespace when you save (still only from lines which you have edited).

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