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ScrollViewer Scrolling Event

is there any way to catch the following Events for ScrollViewer


I think there are no events like ScrollStarted or ScrollEnded in silverlight. But you may create a Dependency Property listening the Horizontal and Vertical Offset s and use this Dependecy Property to fire a custom event indicating whether whether user scrolls or not.

This link includes a sample;

I Think You Should Try My Way

public static class ScrollViewerBinding
  #region VerticalOffset attached property

  /// <summary>
  /// Gets the vertical offset value
  /// </summary>
  public static double GetVerticalOffset(DependencyObject depObj)
    return (double)depObj.GetValue(VerticalOffsetProperty);

  /// <summary>
  /// Sets the vertical offset value
  /// </summary>
  public static void SetVerticalOffset(DependencyObject depObj, double value)
    depObj.SetValue(VerticalOffsetProperty, value);

  /// <summary>
  /// VerticalOffset attached property
  /// </summary>
  public static readonly DependencyProperty VerticalOffsetProperty =
      DependencyProperty.RegisterAttached("VerticalOffset", typeof(double),
    new PropertyMetadata(0.0, OnVerticalOffsetPropertyChanged));


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