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Subsetting data frames in R

I'm new to R and learning about subsetting. I have a table and I'm trying to get the size of a subset of the table. My issue is that when I try two different ways I get two different answers. For a table "dat" where I'm trying to select all rows where RMS is 5 and BDS is 2:

dim(dat[(dat$RMS==5) & (dat$BDS==2),])

gives me a different answer than

dim(subset(dat,(dat$RMS==5) & (dat$BDS==2)))

The second one is correct, could someone explain why these are different and why the first one is giving me the wrong answer?


The reason must be in different treatment of NA values by these two methods. If you remove rows with NA from the data frame you should get the same results:

dat_clean = na.omit(dat)

Works for me.....

> x = c(1,1,2,2,3,3)
> y = c(4,4,5,5,6,6)
> X = data.frame(x,y)
> dim(X[X$x==1 & X$y==4,])
  [1] 2 2
> (X[X$x==1 & X$y==4,])
   x y
 1 1 4
 2 1 4

> dim(subset(X,(X$x==1) & (X$y==4)))
  [1] 2 2
> subset(X,(X$x==1) & (X$y==4))
  x y
1 1 4
2 1 4

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