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jQuery mobile ajax load jsonp not work after page change

I made a mobile webpage with jQuery Mobile. I load the tweets using jQuery's .ajax() method on page load. It works but when I change the page by clicking a link, the tweets won't load anymore.

Here's the HTML:

<ul data-role="listview" data-divider-theme="c" data-inset="true" id="tweets">
    <li data-role="list-divider">Latest Tweets</li>


                if(i < 5){
                    var tweet = data[i];
                   $('#tweets').append($('<li/>').html('<a href="https://twitter.com/'+tweet.user.screen_name+'/status/'+tweet.id_str+'" data-rel="external"><h4>'+tweet.text+'</h4><p>at '+tweet.created_at+'</p></a>'));

The page that has problem

Current progress

I've tried Gajotres' answer but it still worked once only. The pages are loaded through AJAX. I also checked that other pages' HTML structure are correct. I still cannot figure out why this is happened.

Any help will be appreciated.


This should not be used in this case :


it will trigger only once, instead this should be used:



This should do it:

$(document).on('pagebeforeshow', '[data-role="page"]', function(){   

If you want to find out more about this take a look at my ARTICLE , to be more transparent it is my personal blog. Or it can be found HERE .

EDIT 2 :

This solution works:

            $('#tweets *:not([data-role=list-divider])').remove();
                if(i < 5){
                    var tweet = data[i];
                    $.mobile.activePage.find('#tweets').append($('<li/>').html('<a href="https://twitter.com/'+tweet.user.screen_name+'/status/'+tweet.id_str+'" data-rel="external"><h4>'+tweet.text+'</h4><p>at '+tweet.created_at+'</p></a>'));

Each time you were appending content it was appended to the #tweets at a first page, this will append it only to the currently active page.

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