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Jquery button on click toggle text and css class of another element

I am making a jquery on click event that toggles a css class of div#foo (appending it after the existing class) but also needs to toggle the text of the button on click between show/hide.

    $("button.CsToggle").text(!text == "Expand" ? "Hide" : "Expand");

<div id="foo" class="preExistingClass">
    <button class="toggler">Expand</button>

I have the class toggle working properly but not the text toggle. Where did I go wrong?

Use the html() function to set the innerHtml of the button. The selector should also be, $("button.toggler") . Also you need to have a variable text available, I'm assuming your business logic will determine how it is set..

    $(this).html($(this).html() == "Expand" ? "Hide" : "Expand");

Working Example: http://jsfiddle.net/z5QVM/

 if ( $(this).text == "Expand"){ 
     // code
  else {

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