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VIM FTP Auto-Upload Upon Save?

Is there a plug-in or something already in mac VIM to get this done? It's the one feature that Sublime has that I really wish VIM had.

You might be able to find a suitable plugin at vim.org . Also see this answer for a possible lead.

Anyway, my opinion is that such a feature belongs to your FTP client and not to your text editor .

And you are lucky, some of the most venerable Mac OS X FTP clients have some kind of "autosync" feature:

Macfusion , Transmit Disks and Interarchy's "Net Disks" are an alternative that lets you mount an FTP server like a local disk.

All philosophy issues aside, did you know that you can browse FTP servers directly from Vim without adding anything? See :h netrw .

you maybe looking for vim-sftp-sync plugin:


I wrote a plugin for this purpose. It can be found here: https://github.com/hesselbom/vim-hsftp

It allows you to download or upload the current file through sftp.

It's in early stages but it has worked for my purposes and you're free to fork it or contribute if you'd like!

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