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how to pass form_builder in jquery escape_javascript

I have two classes Message and Comment which is associated as follows

class Message ActiveRecord::Base
  attr_accessible :comments_attributes
  has_many :comments
  accepts_nested_attributes_for :comments

class Comment ActiveRecord::Base
  belongs_to :message

I modeled my form as

= form_for @message do |f|
  f.text_field :msg
  %a#add-comment Add Comment

  = f.fields_for :comments do |c|
      c.text_field :value

When 'Add comment' button is clicked I am appending the comment input to the form f, through jquery as follows

$('#add-comment').click(function() {
  $('#add-comment').prepend(("#{escape_javascript(render(:partial => "comment", f: f))}");  

But I can't able to access this form, I am getting

Undefined local variable or method 'f'

How to do this?

Try this in your form. I assume:

  = f.fields_for :comments do |c|
      c.text_field :value

Is in your comment partial.

So your form should be like this and passing the f variable to the partial

= form_for @message do |f|
  f.text_field :msg
  %a#add-comment Add Comment

  = render :partial => 'comment', :locals => {:f => f}

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