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PHP Session Hijacking Detected

I have this code:

if (isset( $_SESSION['user_agent'] )) {
    if ($_SESSION['user_agent'] != md5( $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'] )) {
        die('Session error.');

Everything works fine. But every time I login (once per 24 hours), I get the error. Is the user agent changing or something?

Thanks for your help.

会话的生命周期有限,通常为数分钟或数小时, http: //www.php.net/manual/en/session.configuration.php

Anyone capable of hijacking sessions (ie via sniffing unencrypted HTTP) has the keys to the kingdom once an authenticated user comes along.

HTTP_USER_AGENT ? Yeah, that's also sent in the clear, and the attacker can just spoof it. Any MitM applicance that steals/spoofs session cookies will generally also impersonate the user agent of the user's browser too.

The only solution here is HTTPS, which is now free thanks to Let's Encrypt .

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