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How can I make the ctrl+f highlight effect?

This is a simple search function with highlight effect, however, it highlight the whole word instead of the matched strings.

How can I make it like doing ctrl+f in browser that highlights just part of the matched word?


       $("ul li").removeClass('hightlight');

       var searchInput = $(this).val();

        if(searchInput !== ""){
           $("ul li:contains('" + searchInput + "')").addClass('hightlight');


My code online:


Use following javascript:


       var searchInput = $(this).val();


       if(searchInput !== ""){
            $("ul li:contains('" + searchInput + "')").each(function(i, e) {
                var text = $(this).text().replace(new RegExp(searchInput, 'gm'), '<span class="hightlight">' + searchInput + '</span>');


Here's a working demo with the required HTML and css. http://jsfiddle.net/BHqTr/

$("#search").on( "keyup", function() {

        $("#items li span").contents().unwrap();

        $("#items li").each(function(){
            var search = $("#search").val();
            var item = $(this);

            var text = item.text();

            var regex = new RegExp(search, 'g');
            text = text.replace(regex, "<span class='highlight'>"+search+"</span>");


This looks like a copy of the previous answer, can be removed if required.

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