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mongo DB - php driver version

I am using XAMPP, PHP Version 5.3.5.

I installed mongodb.

I tried to connect mongo db from my php code, it gives me error

$connection = new MongoClient("mongodb://localhost");
$db = $connection->dbname;

echo $db;

Fatal error: Class 'MongoClient' not found in C:\\xampp\\htdocs\\test\\test.php on line 9

I guess it is because, I installed a old version of php-mongo driver.

What is the proper version of php-mongo driver for PHP Version 5.3.5 ?

The current version of the MongoDB driver for PHP is 1.3.4.

The class Mongo was deprecated with version 1.3 and replaced with MongoClient . Apparently you are using an older version than 1.3 in your install.


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