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Excel VB - Refer to worksheet index using a variable?

I would like to use a single line of code to refer to the same cell but in different worksheets (within the same workbook). For example:

Dim SheetRef as Worksheet
SheetRef = Sheet6    
SheetRef.Range("E5").Value = "Please work!"

where SheetRef can be changed within VB to represent different worksheet index numbers (rather than sheet name).

I have tried many combinations, dim'd the variable as many different things, googled high and low and made no progress, any assistance very much appreciated!

Many thanks,


First, you need to use set to declare your sheet object equal to a sheet. then, use the index notation sheets(i)

dim sheetref as worksheet
dim i as long

i = 2 'sheet index number

set sheetref = sheets(i)
sheetref.range("E5").value = "WORKS!"

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