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pagination of php glob page

i have a page that uses glob to display images that is inside a folder. The thing is, i want to display only 20 pics per page. The tutorials about pagination that i found online is related with database, but i did not use database inside my code.

$files = glob("uploaded_files/*.*");
usort($files, function ($a, $b) {
return filemtime($b) - filemtime($a);

foreach ($files as $file) {
echo "<img src='$file' style='height:180px;width:180px; border:2px solid black;  margin:20px 0px 10px  10px; *margin:10px 0px 10px 20px;'>";

this is my code. how can i make it so that it displays 20 images per page and auto paginate? tq

$files = glob("uploaded_files/*.*");
usort($files, function ($a, $b) {
return filemtime($b) - filemtime($a);

$record_count  = 20;
$totla_pages   = ceil(count($files)/$record_count);
$page          = $_REQUEST['page']; ///make it dyanamic :: page num
$offset        = ($page-1)*$record_count;
$files_filter  = array_slice($files, $offset,$record_count);

foreach ($files_filter as $file) {
echo "<img src='$file' style='height:180px;width:180px; border:2px solid black;  margin:20px 0px 10px  10px; *margin:10px 0px 10px 20px;'>";

if($totla_pages > 1){
   if($page != 1){
      echo '<a href="thispage.php?page='.($page-1).'">Prev</a>';
   if($page != $totla_pages){
      echo '<a href="thispage.php?page='.($page+1).'">Next</a>';

But here the problem is that every time $files load all the files then it filters.

Added a simple pagination.

This is code that i used for same purpose.

To fetch total number of images for pagination

$folder_name=$row[page_addlink] ;
$dirname = "gallery/".$folder_name ; 
$files = glob($dirname."/*.{jpg,gif,png,tiff,jpeg,bmp}", GLOB_BRACE);       

This is to get total number of records for pagination
$rows = $no_of_files;                     
By default page number is 1 
if (!(isset($pagenum)))
$pagenum = 1;
No of rows to be visibles.Value is set in config file
$page_rows = $no_of_images_pagination ;    /// defined in connection.php file
$last = ceil($rows/$page_rows); 

if ($pagenum <= 1)
$pagenum = 1;
elseif ($pagenum > $last)
$pagenum = $last;
<div class="right_panel">
<div class="inner">                
<div class="inner_bg">


<div align='center'>

if($rows <=$page_rows)


echo "<a href='[URL of your page]?id=$folder_id&pagenum=1' style='text-decoration:none'> <<-First</a> ";

$previous = $pagenum-1;
       echo " <a href='[URL of your page]?id=$folder_id&pagenum=$previous' style='text-decoration:none'><-Previous</a> ";
//just a spacer
echo " <a href='[URL of your page]?id=$folder_id&pagenum=$k' style='text-decoration:none'>";
          echo "<b><u>".$k."</u></b>" ;

         echo $k ;
echo "</a>&nbsp;";


$next = $pagenum+1;
echo "<a href='[URL of your page]?id=$folder_id&pagenum=$next' style='text-decoration:none'>Next -></a> ";

echo " ";

echo " <a href='[URL of your page]?id=$folder_id&pagenum=$last' style='text-decoration:none'>Last ->></a> ";


You can use this code after little bit modification according to your CSS and page url and directory location.It Works perfectly fine.Good luck

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