cost 424 ms
Symbol ambiguities and repo layout

I'm trying to convert to SVN from CVS using cvs2svn and we want the layout to have trunk/tags/branches inside each project. First I tried this: Whi ...

2016-02-10 17:58:06   2   46    svn / cvs2svn  
cvs2hg configuration in windows

We are planning to migrate complex cvs repository with history to Mercurial. I have configured cvs2hg in my local machine and cvs(pserver)has install ...

cvs2svn output is missing files

I've recently converted a CVS repo using cvs2svn however I'm confused as to the output. After running the tool, it appears it successfully ran, but th ...

2014-12-28 19:01:16   1   86    cvs2svn  
MemoryError using CVS2SVN

I'm trying to migrate a CSV repository to SVN using csv2svn. After dealing with some errors during the first pass (CollectRevsPass), i'm in the fourth ...

cvs2svn 2.4.0 - error pass 16 svnadmin

Good afternoon, Using version 2.4.0-dev on a Linux machine, I am trying to migrate a CVS project to SNV. I had some issues with symbols, and I create ...

2013-09-17 16:50:45   1   591    cvs2svn  

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