cost 282 ms
file not showing up in render derbyjs

I have a new file: message.html Restarting node doesn't seem to get it to render. Pointing derby to render a different file works, just not "message ...

2015-07-07 05:39:25   1   17    derbyjs  
How to use indexof on array derbyjs

I have an array passed to my template and I want to see if I have the value stored in it: Apparently indexOf isn't a function, but the array (_page ...

2015-06-14 09:23:39   1   37    derbyjs  
How to get email of Derby-Login user

I can easily get the user id from model.get("session.userId"); I am having trouble finding out how to use this to get the user's email. ...

2015-06-12 01:33:46   1   35    derbyjs  
DerbyJS get model as array

I want to be able to get a collection as an array so that I can in the template use {{each}} on it. It is a collection of users, which are objects, { ...

2015-06-03 00:32:43   2   74    derbyjs  
Multi node ELB for DerbyJS

Possible to use ELB in DerbyJS,i am facing problem in DerbyJS if user 1 connect to instance-A at a same time user2 connect instance-B there is no real ...

2014-12-03 13:55:11   1   39    derbyjs  

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