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How to get parameter from URL in DOJO2

I have a URL: http://app/material/id/58 I want to get the id '58' on another widget but I am not able to splice the value. Any suggestions? ...

2018-08-03 05:00:04   1   24    dojo2  
Dojo 2 - issue of loading js files

Not able to load js files from local where as CDN path working fine in Dojo 2 application. Once included custom JavaScript files using script tag in i ...

2018-06-13 05:20:59   2   59    dojo2  
Service Call in Dojo2

I trying to get the data from server and trying to render in UI but while making service call I am getting the below error. Calling service API: E ...

2018-05-30 10:08:16   2   116    dojo / dojo2  

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