cost 71 ms
GeoGebra - X and Y orientation

Trying to use GeoGebra for the first time. Currently it shows the x and y as in the below image but I prefer the x and y orientation as below as it ...

2021-09-12 00:44:27   1   30    geogebra  
How to draw a “blob” in Geogebra?

I would like to draw an arbitrary open set R on the xy-plane in R^3 as a sort of "blob", i.e. not anything with a particular shape. Does anyone have a ...

2020-08-25 15:09:15   1   26    geogebra  
Geogebra 4th order bezier curve

Please can you tell me how I can draw 4th order bezier curve in Geogebra? I have these polynomial cubics but with these I can draw only simple Be ...

2018-05-27 16:06:59   1   68    geogebra  
Boolean position of a point

I want to have a point that belongs or not to a straight line dependanding on a boolean value. I tried (4.54, -1.82) a + (1 - a) Point(f) in the def ...

2017-09-30 11:12:35   1   34    geogebra  
Minimum of two functions

In GeoGebra, is there a way to define a function of two variables which is the pointwise minimum of two functions. Like h(x, y):= min(x² + y², x + y) ...

2017-08-24 08:11:08   3   1667    geogebra  

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