cost 256 ms
Performing double induction in Welder

I'm trying to proof a property by double induction using Welder. The definitions are taken from here. A related question that gives more details of th ...

2017-05-19 18:55:55   1   38    leon  
Modelling a class hierarchy in Inox

I want to model the following Scala hierarchy in the Inox solver interface: How can I model nonZero? If I model it as an constructor Then I'm n ...

2017-04-15 12:08:19   1   35    leon  
Defining infix operator in Welder

I have the following simplied definition of an addition operation over a field: I'd like this operation to be used with infix notation and the curr ...

2017-04-14 17:14:23   1   18    leon  
Using TypedADT constructs in Inox

The inox documentation states the following Inox provides the utility types TypedADTSort and TypedADTConstructor (see file inox/ast/ ...

2017-04-12 16:04:40   1   40    scala / leon  
Problems with generic abstract types

I have an abstract Stack type as follows abstract class Stack[T] { def empty : Stack[T] def pop () : (Option[T], Stack[T]) def push (e : T) : ...

2015-10-29 09:37:55   1   69    scala / leon  
short-circuit evaluation in leon --xlang

Consider the following complicated way of negating a boolean (which depends on short-circuit evaluation): If I test this code in the Scala console, ...

2015-05-25 17:38:55   1   32    leon  
Leon: how to use custom `==` operator?

While working with leon and rationals, I encountered the following issue: the verification of the inverse1 function gives a counter-example but it doe ...

2015-05-25 12:41:38   1   86    scala / leon  
How to build leon for MacOSX?

I tried to follow the instructions to build leon for MacOSX (yosemite) from the file on github. It worked well except that when I run the b ...

2015-04-28 19:06:15   1   72    leon  
How to prove size of a list in Leon?

I am trying to prove that the size (number of elements) in a list is non-negative, but Leon fails to prove it---it just times out. Is Leon really not ...

2015-04-23 18:20:37   2   133    scala / leon  

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