cost 93 ms
NSolid with Node 6

I'm trying to get NSolid working with node 6, but NSolid 1.4 comes bundled with a node v4.4.7 interpreter. Is it possible to switch to Node 6 or is No ...

2016-08-05 16:47:09   1   65    nsolid  
Safe to delete graphs.db?

I have an instance of NSolid console running and graphs.db directory is chewing up a lot of space. Is it safe to delete that periodically? The UI only ...

Getting NSolid Historical Data

Does Nsolid keep historical data for hosts? When a process exits, it seems like the data for that host is gone, at lease from the UI. Is there a way ...

2016-03-14 16:35:46   1   44    nsolid  
How to view flamegraph .cpuprofile files

I'm comparing the cpu profile on a couple of branches of my app, and I have downloaded the .cpuprofile files from the console. I'd like to compare the ...

2016-03-04 16:39:04   2   628    nsolid  
HTTPS not supported in nsolid

I'm playing with new NSolid tools because I'd like to know if we can use it in the company I work for. We already have a nodejs application in product ...

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