cost 238 ms
Why are solutions in the wrong order?

I have been asked to define a predicate subseq/2, with signature subseq(-,+), which is true when both its arguments are lists, and its first argum ...

2023-01-28 01:16:43   2   65    prolog  
Reversable CSV parsing

Prolog newbie here. In SWI Prolog, I'm trying to figure out how to parse a simple line of CSV reversably, but I'm stuck. Here's what I've got: Now ...

Writing Prolog facts and rules

I have a Prolog program containing some facts and rules about a drug called Diclogenta eye drops. I wanted to create a program where the user enters t ...

Prolog: Reducing Inferences

I am trying to lower the inferences needed for executing my program in Prolog. My task is exactly the same as in: Prolog: Comparing Lists from Lists o ...

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