cost 144 ms
Restler not accepting boolean false

In my Restler API class I have an object defined like so (with lots of other params) class PatchTaskObj extends TaskObj { /** * @var bool|nu ...

2017-02-09 04:38:22   1   117    restler  
Change response code to 201 in Restler

Inside of a method how can I dynamically change the response code to 201? I know for something like a 204 I can just throw a RestException of that, bu ...

2017-02-02 07:01:42   1   59    restler  
Restler with swagger-2.0

Swagger 2.0 is AWESOME compared to the version Restler RC6 is using. Is there any easy way to continue using the current RC6 branch but swap out the s ...

2017-01-27 17:06:46   1   93    restler  
Restler optional string parameter

I want to mark a parameter as optional in a Restler patch method, and it's of type string, but I can't figure out how to do this. If I put $descriptio ...

2017-01-25 05:11:39   1   72    php / restler  

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