cost 144 ms
Re-arrange stripchart x-axis

This is my graph code, it's supposed to be high, medium, low but at the moment its high, low medium. Is there anything I can add to this to make it th ...

2020-05-06 07:04:40   1   308    r / stripchart  
add data labels to stripchart

I have made a stripchart with a threshold marked in red. I would like to label the point that falls to the left of the threshold, but can't seem to ge ...

Added color by group

Hi everyone! I try combined boxplot and stripchart to represent some data, and trying to color by group: xfact yvar Non-response 0.0012 Non-respo ...

stripchart by groups in R

I am still a newbie to R and would like to ask for help in graphing stripcharts. This is my code at the moment and I am trying to group it by anot ...

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