cost 248 ms
Include preferences from a topic

How to include preferences from another topic in Foswiki 1.1.9? This approach doesn't work for me: Sandbox.MyPreferences Sandbox.UseFoo Output ...

TWiki, Mail and Proxies & gmail

Could someone guide me through the TWiki mail configuration? I would like to set up gmail account to send emails from twiki. Net::SMTP is already i ...

TWiki install/config problems

Debian Etch/Apache 1.3 I have one server happily running TWiki, and want to replicate it on a 2nd server. Apt-get install twiki runs OK except for an ...

configuring twiki

i am configuring twiki. when i give my user id and password it does proceed, but when i hit the cancel button it takes me to the new registration pag ...

2011-08-09 10:08:04   2   916    twiki  

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