cost 266 ms
Returning vector with Weaviate

I am considering using Weaviate as a vector store. I see on the docs that you can set the vectorizer to none and provide custom vectors in addition to ...

2022-07-07 19:12:04   1   28    weaviate  
Does weaviate support bulk deletes?

I am looking at using weaviate for vector searching, but would also like to have an age off feature for rolling off old records. Does weaviate have an ...

2022-03-28 14:44:58   1   141    weaviate  
Does Weaviate support bulk query?

Data is indexed against a class in weaviate, I have used vectorizer equals none while creating the class (As the app is providing embeddings). My quer ...

2022-03-21 13:46:19   1   89    weaviate  
CRUD support for list of Dicts

My goal is to add Weaviate support to the pyLodStorage project Specifically I'd like to use the sample data from: ...

2020-09-22 06:46:09   2   145    weaviate  
Translating SiDiF to Weaviate

I have several ontology descriptions in Simple Data Interchange Format and would like to transform or import these to use them with Weaviate. An exam ...

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