cost 233 ms
Escape " in axios

I am making an api call to WuFoo forms to do a dateCreated filter it needs to look like this (note double quote): However, Axios urlencodes it to ...

Why is Wufoo PHP API not working?

UPDATE: I've found that this issue is related to my hosting setup somehow. The code is hosted on a DV server by Media Temple, however I placed the exa ...

2016-09-27 19:05:36   1   198    php / api / wufoo  
Specify wufoo redirect url in form field

I want to create a single wufoo form, and embed the form inside my own web pages. WuFoo has a way to define the redirect URL within their GUI, but I ...

2015-09-08 17:26:20   1   452    wufoo  
Posting entry to wufoo with js/jquery

I'm trying to post a new to entry to an existing Wufoo form using only js/jquery. The docs are not very clear on this, they all use php for posting. A ...

2015-08-02 18:42:48   1   210    wufoo  

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