cost 223 ms
Convert DOCX to XSL-FO

I have a DOCX document and need to convert this into an XSL-FO 1.0 file (which should be used with an XML document to generate a PDF file later on). I ...

XSL-FO 3 pages flow

I using XSLT and XML to create XSL-FO, from where to generate PDFs. The engine used is supporting only XSLT1.0. I am trying to set up a layout that w ...

One page only by content

Please, how to do in xsl-fo something as receipt printing? It means only one page printout with height of page by content? So far, I have only working ...

2022-06-27 12:03:31   1   21    xsl-fo  
Dotted underline in XSL-FO

I would like to have dotted underline words using XSL-FO. I am able to underline the words using a template but not make the line dotted. Here is th ...

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