cost 364 ms
Error while compiling in Zephir

I'm trying a simple "Hello World" in Zephir. I created the project with zephir init utils. The json contains the namespace: I followed these steps ...

2016-03-15 15:21:45   1   223    c / gcc / zephir  
Zephir throws error on line 1

I am trying to make simple php extension via zephir, but zephir does not want to work. Here is my code: And here is the error it produces on zephi ...

2015-12-18 17:06:19   1   39    php / zephir  
Using PDO in Zephir

As part of my experiments with Zephir I am currently trying to use PHP PDO to access a MySQL database. For starters I found that a relatively innocuou ...

2015-02-01 05:22:47   1   669    php / zephir  
Loading extensions in php5-fpm

I am in the process of experimenting with Zephir on my Nginx/php5-fpm/ubuntu14.04 setup. I followed their tutorial and managed to compile my first Zep ...

Connect to mysql using Zaphir

How can I connect to my sql using Zephir, also I'm using php, I tried the link but failed. this is how I use the code. it gives only a vauge idea ...

Zephir Language Parse Exception

I am trying to compile the below code in zephir language and it gives me Parse error. I am not sure what am I doing wrong. Error Any Ideas? ...

2014-04-13 20:46:14   1   129    zephir  
run zephir build error on tutorial

I installed zephir OK (0.3.7a) and run the test, and got error as follows: [root@vmlinux64 test]# zephir build PHP Warning: system() has been disa ...

2014-02-21 03:07:52   1   734    zephir  
Zephir Tutorial Error

I try to apply .I run this code in my desktop(text_ext directory). and zephir build results are: php -v com ...

2014-02-04 11:38:13   1   500    php / zephir  

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