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python re(regex)是否可以替代\\ u unicode转义序列?

[英]Does python re (regex) have an alternative to \u unicode escape sequences?

Python将\\ uxxxx视为字符串文字内的Unicode字符转义符(例如u“ \\ u2014”被解释为Unicode字符U + 2014)。 但是我刚刚发现(Python 2.7)标准正则表达式模块不会将\\ uxxxx视为Unicode字符。 例:

codepoint = 2014 # Say I got this dynamically from somewhere

test = u"This string ends with \u2014"
pattern = r"\u%s$" % codepoint
assert(pattern[-5:] == "2014$") # Ends with an escape sequence for U+2014
assert(re.search(pattern, test) != None) # Failure -- No match (bad)
assert(re.search(pattern, "u2014")!= None) # Success -- This matches (bad)

显然,如果您能够将正则表达式模式指定为字符串文字,则可以起到与正则表达式引擎本身理解\\ uxxxx转义相同的作用:

test = u"This string ends with \u2014"
pattern = u"\u2014$"
assert(pattern[:-1] == u"\u2014") # Ends with actual unicode char U+2014
assert(re.search(pattern, test) != None)



pattern = u"%s$" % unichr(codepoint)

一种可能性是,不是直接调用re方法,而是将它们包装在可以代表它们理解\\ u转义的内容中。 像这样:

def my_re_search(pattern, s):
    return re.search(unicode_unescape(pattern), s)

def unicode_unescape(s):
        Turn \uxxxx escapes into actual unicode characters
        def unescape_one_match(matchObj):
                escape_seq = matchObj.group(0)
                return escape_seq.decode('unicode_escape')
        return re.sub(r"\\u[0-9a-fA-F]{4}", unescape_one_match, s)


pat  = r"C:\\.*\u20ac" # U+20ac is the euro sign
>>> print pat

path = ur"C:\reports\twenty\u20acplan.txt"
>>> print path

# Underlying re.search method fails to find a match
>>> re.search(pat, path) != None

# Vs this:
>>> my_re_search(pat, path) != None

多亏了Python中字符串中的处理转义序列,以指出decode(“ unicode_escape”)的想法。

但是请注意,您不能只通过解码(“ unicode_escape”)抛出整个模式。 它有时会起作用(因为大多数正则表达式特殊字符在您加反斜杠时都不会改变其含义),但通常不会起作用。 例如,在此处使用解码(“ unicode_escape”)会更改正则表达式的含义:

pat = r"C:\\.*\u20ac" # U+20ac is the euro sign
>>> print pat
C:\\.*\u20ac # Asks for a literal backslash

pat_revised  = pat.decode("unicode_escape")
>>> print pat_revised
C:\.*€ # Asks for a literal period (without a backslash)


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