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[英]Why am i getting this compile error when i try to compile?

我是一些 - 在c ++中编程的新东西我被分配了一个练习,我得到一个编译错误

我希望有人可以帮助我解决错误,或者给我一些见解,为什么它发生在下面的代码/ *练习21中级:声明一个名为temperature的七行,两列int数组。 该程序应提示用户输入最高和最低温度七天。 将最高温度存储在阵列的第一列中。 将最低温度存储在第二列中。 程序应显示平均高温和平均低温。 显示小数点后一位的平均温度。 * /

#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
using namespace std;

//function prototype
void calcAverage(double temperatures[7][2]);

double temperatures[7][2] = {0};

float high = 0.0;
float low = 0.0;
double high_average = 0.0;
double low_average = 0.0;

cout << "Please enter the high then low for the last 7 days " <<endl;

for(int x = 0; x < 6; x += 1)
    cout << "Please enter the High for day: "<< x+1<<": ";
    cin >> high;
    temperatures[0][x] = high;
for(int x = 0; x < 6; x += 1)
    cout << "Please enter the Low for day: "<< x+1<<": ";
    cin >> low;
    temperatures[1][x] = high;
//Error is here
calcAverage(high_average, low_average);
// end error   

void calcAverage(double temperatures[6][1],double &high_average, double &low_average)
float accumulator = 0.0;
//for hot average  
for(int x = 0; x < 6; x += 1)
    accumulator += temperatures[0][x];
    high_average = accumulator;

// for cold average 
    accumulator = 0.0;
for(int x = 0; x < 6; x += 1)
    accumulator += temperatures[1][x];
    low_average = accumulator;

44不能将参数1' to double' to转换double' to double( )[2] 1' to void calcAverage(double( )[2])'

void calcAverage(double temperatures[7][2]);

好的, calcAverage采用二维的双精度数组。

calcAverage(high_average, low_average);


void calcAverage(double temperatures[6][1],double &high_average, double &low_average)




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