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[英]C# - How to get/set an object's property value without using Reflection

我需要能够存储对对象属性的引用,以便以后读取/写入对象,理想情况下无需使用反射。 我也愿意接受同样适用的设计模式,但是性能至关重要,因为我的应用程序将在各种“父”类上进行数百万次的“运行”调用。 下面的代码模板应解释我要做什么。


最后,我认为我正在寻找的东西不仅限于重置对象值或检查是否为非null。 例如,在调用_run之后,Parent可能会将属性的值用于其他内容。


class requiredAttribute : Attribute

abstract class Parent
    abstract protected void _run();

    public Parent() {
        // This can do whatever set-up is necessary in order to make the below run() call
        // not need reflection.

        /* What code goes here? */

    public void run() {
        // This code should reset all 'required' properties to null.
        /* What goes here? */


        // This code needs to ensure any required property is now not null.
        // If it finds a null one, it should throw.
        /* What goes here? */

class Child : Parent
    protected object value1;
    protected object value2;

    // not required..
    protected object value3;

    protected void _run() {
        // This must set all 'required' properties' values, otherwise the Parent should throw.
        value1 = "some value";
        value2 = "some other value";


给父母一个抽象的实现。 并在孩子身上实施它。

abstract class Parent : IValidatable
    public abstract bool IsValid();
    abstract protected void _run();

    public Parent()

    public void run()

        if (!IsValid())

class Child : Parent
    protected object value1;
    protected object value2;

    // not required..
    protected object value3;

    protected override void _run()
        // This must set all 'required' properties' values, otherwise the Parent should throw.
        value1 = "some value";
        value2 = "some other value";

    public override bool IsValid()
        return value1 != null && value2 != null;

public interface IValidatable
    bool IsValid();

我找到了一个运行良好的高性能反射库: FastMember

using FastMember;

class RequiredAttribute : Attribute

abstract class Parent
    abstract protected void _run();

    private List<string> required_prop_names = new List<string>();
    private ObjectAccessor accessor;

    public Parent()
        // create list of properties that are 'required'
        required_prop_names = this.GetType().GetFields()
            .Where(prop => Attribute.IsDefined(prop, typeof(RequiredAttribute)))
            .Select(prop => prop.Name)

        // create FastMember accessor
        accessor = ObjectAccessor.Create(this);
    public void run()
        // set all to null
        required_prop_names.ForEach(x => accessor[x] = null);
        // call child
        // validate
        foreach (string prop_name in required_prop_names){
            Console.WriteLine("Value of {0} is {1}", prop_name, accessor[prop_name]);
            if (accessor[prop_name] == null){
                Console.WriteLine("Null value found on {}!", prop_name);

class Child : Parent
    public object value1 = "something";
    public object value2 = "something";

    // not required..
    public object value3;

    override protected void _run()
        // This must set all 'required' properties' values, otherwise the Parent should throw.
        value1 = "something else";
        //value2 = "something else";

另一种解决方案使用包装器对象-这样,我们可以存储对这些对象的引用,并在以后获取/设置它们。 为了方便起见,包装对象可以由基础对象使用反射自动创建。 唯一的问题是在_run()内部,您必须执行value1.value =“ some value”而不是value1 =“ some value”。 公平贸易,IMO。



class Wrapper {
   public object value;
class Wrapper<T> : Wrapper {
   new public T value;

class requiredAttribute : Attribute

abstract class Parent
    abstract protected void _run();

    private List<Wrapper> wrappers = new List<Wrapper>();

    public Parent() {
        // Use reflection to find all fields that have a 'required' attribute.
        // For each one, instantiate an instance of Wrapper<T>
        // Store the reference to each object so that in run() we can reset and validate.

        /* code that does above statement goes here. */

    public void run() {
        foreach (Wrapper wrapper in wrappers){
           wrapper.value = null;
        foreach (Wrapper wrapper in wrappers){
           if (wrapper.value == null) throw new Exception("null value found");

class Child : Parent
    protected Wrapper<string> value1;
    protected Wrapper<int> value2;

    // not required..
    protected object value3;

    protected void _run() {
        // This must set all 'required' properties' values, otherwise the Parent should throw.
        value1.value = "some value";
        value2.value = 123;


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