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[英]How can I Get the property by name from type and Set Propert value using reflection in C#

我正在学习有关C#反射的知识,并在此过程中遇到了一些障碍。 我有一个示例问题,我尝试执行以下操作:

  1. 创建学生的新实例-我了解Student sT = new Student()
  2. 获取实例类型-据我了解: var getType = sT.GetType();
  3. 从类型中按名称获取属性FullName-如何实现?
  4. 使用反射将属性值设置为“某些名称”。 我该如何实现?
using System;
using System.Reflection;

public class Program
    public static void Main()
        //1. Create new instance of Stuedent

        Student sT = new Student();

        //2. Get instance type

        var getType = sT.GetType();

        var myStringProperties1 = getType.GetProperty("FullName",

        //3. Get property FullName by name from type  ????

        //4.  Set property value to "Some Name" using reflection        


public class Student
    public string FullName { get; set; }

    public int Class { get; set; }

    public DateTime DateOfBirth { get; set; }

    public string GetCharacteristics()
        return "";


你快到了; 现在只需在属性信息上调用SetValue即可:

//1. Create new instance of Student
Student student = new Student();

//2. Get instance type
var getType = student.GetType();

//3. Get property FullName by name from type
var fullNameProperty = getType.GetProperty("FullName",

//4.  Set property value to "Some Name" using reflection
fullNameProperty.SetValue(student, "Some Name");


foreach (var pro in getType.GetProperties()/* get all your properties*/)
               var type = pro.GetType();//Property type

                var propertyName= pro.Name;//Property name

                pro.SetValue(toObject,value);//set Property value


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