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Python CSV文件阅读器无法读取整个文件

[英]Python csv file reader not reading whole file


我有3个CSV文件(经纪人4393行;跳过27761行;翻斗19118行)。 每个csv文件都由相同的函数读取:


broker csv文件(包含4393行)产生1359行的列表。 失踪

跳过csv文件(包含27761行)会生成27761行的列表。 精细

tipper csv文件(包含19118行)会生成19118行的列表。 精细



import os, re, csv

# -------------------------------------- General Functions -------------------------------------- #
# function: find journey summary file
def FileFinder(fl, begin):
    regex = begin
    pattern = re.compile(regex)
    for f in fl:
        if re.findall(pattern, f):   #empty seq = False
            global found;
            found = re.findall(pattern, f)

# function: read from 'Enquiry-...'
def ReadEnquiry():
    with open(d + found[0], "r") as fR:
        r = csv.reader(fR)

        # capture data from csv file into 'clist'
        for row in r:
            global rlist;
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
# --------------------------------------- Broker Functions -------------------------------------- #
# function: Find and Read from BrokerExport.
def BrokerExp():
    FileFinder(filelist, 'BrokerExport.*')
    CreateBrokerList(rlist, 48, 17, 74, brokerlist)

# function: create a list of broker data.  Format: Account Number,Date,Price(ex-VAT),Profit
def CreateBrokerList(rlist, col1, col2, col3, expList):
    for row in rlist:
        if row[41] == '':         # exclude jobs that were cancelled.
            expList.append([row[col1], row[col2], row[col3]])
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
# ---------------------------------------- Skip Functions --------------------------------------- #
# function: Find and Read from SkipsExport.
def SkipExp():
    FileFinder(filelist, 'SkipsExport.*')
    CreateSkipList(rlist, 2, 42, 46, skiplist)

# function: create a list of skip data.  Format: Account Number,Date,Price(ex-VAT),Profit
def CreateSkipList(rlist, col1, col2, col3, expList):
    for row in rlist:
        expList.append([row[col1], row[col2], row[col3]])
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
# ---------------------------------------- Skip Functions --------------------------------------- #
# function: Find and Read from TipperExport.
def TipperExp():

# function: create a list of tipper data.  Format: Account Number,Date,Price(ex-VAT),Profit
def CreateTipperList(rlist, col1, col2, col3, expList):
    for row in rlist:
        expList.append([row[col1], row[col2], row[col3]])
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #

# --- General Variables --- #
rlist = [];                               # 'rlist' list read from csv.
found = ''                                # string to hold filename found through 'FileFinder()'
d = 'U:/rmarshall/To Do/'                 # directory to use
headings = ['Company Name', 'Rep', \
        'Month 1 Calls', 'Month 1 Inv Tots', 'Month 1 No. of Invs', \
        'Month 2 Calls', 'Month 2 Inv Tots', 'Month 2 No. of Invs', \
        'Month 3 Calls', 'Month 3 Inv Tots', 'Month 3 No. of Invs', \
        'Month 4 Calls', 'Month 4 Inv Tots', 'Month 4 No. of Invs', \
        'Month 5 Calls', 'Month 5 Inv Tots', 'Month 5 No. of Invs', \
        'Month 6 Calls', 'Month 6 Inv Tots', 'Month 6 No. of Invs', \
        'Month 7 Calls', 'Month 7 Inv Tots', 'Month 7 No. of Invs', \
        'Month 8 Calls', 'Month 8 Inv Tots', 'Month 8 No. of Invs', \
        'Month 9 Calls', 'Month 9 Inv Tots', 'Month 9 No. of Invs', \
        'Month 10 Calls', 'Month 10 Inv Tots', 'Month 10 No. of Invs', \
        'Month 11 Calls', 'Month 11 Inv Tots', 'Month 11 No. of Invs', \
        'Month 12 Calls', 'Month 12 Inv Tots', 'Month 12 No. of Invs']
cp=[headings]; da=[headings]; mb=[headings]; apd=[headings]; bobs=[headings]    # separate Rep lists
filelist=os.listdir(d)                                                          # place directory filenames into a list
dlist=[]; brokerlist=[]; skiplist=[]; tipperlist=[]; book1=[]                   # lists used throughout code
brklist=[]; skplist=[]; tprlist=[]                                              # a list of names
# ------------------------- #

# --- main --- #
Enquiry_Main()          # call 'Enquiry_Main()' to run all work to create 'cp,da,mb,apd,bob' list data.
rlist=[]; dlist=[]      # reset lists
BrokerExp()             # call 'BrokerExp()' to run all work to create 'brokerlist' data.
rlist=[]                # reset list
SkipExp()               # call 'SkipExp()' to run all work to create 'skiprlist' data.
rlist=[]                # reset list
TipperExp()             # call 'TipperExp()' to run all work to create 'tipperlist' data.
rlist=[]                # reset list

for row in brokerlist:a+=1

for row in skiplist:a+=1

for row in tipperlist:a+=1

您到处都使用大量的全局变量,这使程序复杂化。 函数可以创建和返回过滤列表,因此您可以重复使用它们并将其作为输入传递给另一个函数,该函数还将对其他参数进行过滤。

此函数创建本地列表expList,但不返回任何内容。 CreateSkipList,CreateTipperList函数也是如此。

def CreateBrokerList(rlist, col1, col2, col3, expList):
      for row in rlist:
        if row[41] == '':         # exclude jobs that were cancelled.
            expList.append([row[col1], row[col2], row[col3]])


def ReadEnquiry(file_to_read, rlist):
  with open(file_to_read, "r") as fR:
      r = csv.reader(fR)
      for row in r:
  return rlist


rlist = []
read_list = ReadEnquiry(d + found[0], rlist)
# pass read_list to other function as parameter
brokerlist = []
CreateBrokerList(read_list, 48, 17, 74, brokerlist)

答案是csv阅读器没有问题。 查看代码后,我看到了以下行:

if row[41] == '':         # exclude jobs that were cancelled.



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