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[英]How to use a fragment of a method many times in a method?

我已经搜索了大约一个小时,但没有发现任何结果:在对某些方法进行编程时,我经常会遇到一种情况,即某个方法需要重复一些片段。 我知道仅复制这些内容是不好的。

我想要做的是将一些代码放入例如Action<>Func<>并在代码的不同位置使用它们。 问题是,我不能使用任何this. 属性。 Visual Studio建议声明类似var thisForAction = this;东西var thisForAction = this; 并使用此局部变量。 真的是唯一的方法吗?

提前致谢 :)


struct TransformationMod
    public Nullable<float> Rotation;
    public Nullable<Vector2D> Position;
    public Nullable<Vector2> Scale;

    public struct Origin
        public Vector2D Point; // if not Absolute, then  0 <= x,y <= 1
        public bool HasAbsoluteCoordinates;
    public Nullable<Origin> RotationOrigin;
    public bool Absolute;

    public Transformation Perform(Transformation On)
        Transformation result = On;
        float rotationBefore = result.Rotation;

        Action<Origin?> HandleRotationOrigin =
            delegate(Origin? RotationOrigin)
                if (RotationOrigin.HasValue)
                    // We need to change position to a new one - produced by rotation around a spacified origin

                    // http://www.gamefromscratch.com/post/2012/11/24/GameDev-math-recipes-Rotating-one-point-around-another-point.aspx

                    // counting center of rotation
                    Vector2D center;
                    center = RotationOrigin.Value.Point;

                    if (!RotationOrigin.Value.HasAbsoluteCoordinates)
                        // check with lines below if() and the link provided. Also from stackoverflow:
                                float s = sin(angle);
                                float c = cos(angle);

                                // translate point back to origin:
                                p.x -= cx;
                                p.y -= cy;

                                // rotate point
                                float xnew = p.x * c - p.y * s;
                                float ynew = p.x * s + p.y * c;

                                // translate point back:
                                p.x = xnew + cx;
                                p.y = ynew + cy;

                        // we rotate an ABSOLUTE angle, not the difference
                        double sinx = Math.Sin(rotationBefore);
                        double cosx = Math.Cos(rotationBefore);
                        center.X *= result.Size.X;
                        center.Y *= result.Size.Y;
                        double tmpCenX = cosx * center.X - sinx * center.Y;
                        center.Y = sinx * center.X + cosx * center.Y;
                        center.X = tmpCenX;
                        center += result.Position;

                    // counting rotation
                    double cos, sin;
                    cos = Math.Cos(result.Rotation - rotationBefore);
                    sin = Math.Sin(result.Rotation - rotationBefore);

                    result.Position.X -= center.X;
                    result.Position.Y -= center.Y;
                    double tmpPosX = cos * result.Position.X - sin * result.Position.Y;
                    result.Position.Y = sin * result.Position.X + cos * result.Position.Y;
                    result.Position.X = tmpPosX;
                    result.Position.X += center.X;
                    result.Position.Y += center.Y;

        if (Absolute)
            if (Rotation.HasValue)
                result.Rotation = Rotation.Value;
            if (Position.HasValue)
                result.Position = Position.Value;
            if (Scale.HasValue)
                result.Scale = Scale.Value;                
            if (Rotation.HasValue)
                result.Rotation += Rotation.Value;
            if (Position.HasValue)
                result.Position += Position.Value;
            if (Scale.HasValue)
                result.Scale += Scale.Value;                

        return result;


还要注意,AS TransformationMod是一种struct / value类型,如果您将其传递给您,将对其进行复制,因此您的匿名方法(甚至是命名方法)将在副本上进行操作,为避免这种情况,您需要将其与ref一起传递,但请参阅Action <ref T1,T2>的委托并阅读有关拳击的信息



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