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[英]Declaring Explicit interfaces and the does not contain a definition error C#



我有一系列的课程。 基类:

public interface IFactoryResponse
    object instance { get; set; }
    string instanceconfig { get; set; }


public class FactoryResponseImpl : IFactoryResponse
    object IFactoryResponse.instance {
        get { return ((IFactoryResponse)this).instance; }
        set { ((IFactoryResponse)this).instance = value; }

    string IFactoryResponse.instanceconfig   {
        get { return ((IFactoryResponse)this).instanceconfig; }
        set { ((IFactoryResponse)this).instanceconfig = value; }

在另一堂课中,我得到了上面的错误。 Visual Studio可以找到该接口和类,但是无法解析实例属性。 我在这里想念什么。 我可能会缺少显式继承的更为完善的规则之一。

if (facconfig.useabstract) {
    response.instance = Activator.CreateInstance(m_entassembly.GetType(entconfig.Classname, true, true));
    response.instanceconfig = facconfig.config;
} else {
    Assembly assem = Assembly.LoadFrom(facconfig.assemblyfile);
    object Obj = Activator.CreateInstance(assem.GetType(facconfig.Classname, true, true));
    response.instance = Obj;
    response.instanceconfig = facconfig.config;
  1. 您的实现不正确。 这将导致StackOverflowException因为属性会自行调用。 您可以使用自动属性轻松实现属性:

     public class FactoryResponseImpl : IFactoryResponse { object IFactoryResponse.instance { get; set; } string IFactoryResponse.instanceconfig { get; set; } } 
  2. 明确实现接口成员后,您必须将变量视为接口,方法是将类实例强制转换为该接口,或者将其分配为该接口的变量类型。

     if (facconfig.useabstract) { ((IFactoryResponse)response).instance = Activator.CreateInstance(m_entassembly.GetType(entconfig.Classname, true, true)); ((IFactoryResponse)response).instanceconfig = facconfig.config; } else { Assembly assem = Assembly.LoadFrom(facconfig.assemblyfile); object Obj = Activator.CreateInstance(assem.GetType(facconfig.Classname, true, true)); ((IFactoryResponse)response).instance = Obj; ((IFactoryResponse)response).instanceconfig = facconfig.config; } 
  3. 为什么需要显式实现接口? 除非您有充分的理由,否则不应该这样做。 使用隐式实现,一切都变得容易得多:

     public class FactoryResponseImpl : IFactoryResponse { public object instance { get; set; } public string instanceconfig { get; set; } } 


您的显式实现正在引用自己。 您应该引用私有字段或公共实现。 例如:

public class FactoryResponseImpl : IFactoryResponse
    DatabaseFactoryResponseInstance _instance;

    public FactoryResponseImpl()
        _instance = new DatabaseFactoryResponseInstance();

    object IFactoryResponse.instance {
    get { return (object)_instance; }
    set { 
            if (value != null)
                DatabaseFactoryResponseInstance dbInstance;
                dbInstance = value as DatabaseFactoryResponseInstance;
                if (dbInstance == null)
                    throw new InvalidOperationException();

                _instance = dbInstance;


public interface IFactoryResponse
            object instance { get; set; }
            string instanceconfig { get; set; }

        public class FactoryResponseImpl : IFactoryResponse
            object IFactoryResponse.instance { get; set; }
            string IFactoryResponse.instanceconfig { get; set; }

        class Test
            public void TestMethod()

                IFactoryResponse response = new FactoryResponseImpl();
                response.instance = null;

如果使用显式接口实现(例如IFactoryResponse.instance),则这些方法将不公开可见。 您需要强制转换为IFactoryResponse来访问它们,或者将方法定义为public:公共对象实例{...}。


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