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带文件而不是用户输入的C ++ Cin

[英]C++ cin with file instead of user input

我已经查找了所有资源的感觉,但似乎找不到这个问题的可靠答案。 也许很明显,我还是C ++的新手。


int main()
    char firstChar, secondChar;
    cin >> firstChar;
    cin >> secondChar;
    cout << firstChar << " " << secondChar;

    system("pause"); // to wait for user input; allows the user to see what was printed before the window closes
    return 0;

这将导致控制台等待输入。 用户输入一些东西。 在这种情况下(test) 输出为:

( t



int main(int argc, char* argv[])
    ifstream filename(argv[0]);
    string line;
    char firstChar, secondChar;
    while (getline(filename, line))
        cin >> firstChar;  // instead of getting a user input I want firstChar from the first line of the file.
        cin >> secondChar; // Same concept here.
        cout << firstChar << " " << secondChar;

    system("pause"); // to wait for user input; allows the user to see what was printed before the window closes
    return 0;




所需的自动输出(无需让用户手动输入(test) and (fail)

( t
( f



int main(int argc, char* argv[])
    ifstream exprFile(argv[1]); // argv[0] is the exe, not the file ;)
    string singleExpr;
    while (getline(exprFile, singleExpr)) // Gets a full line from the file
        // do something with this string now
        if(singleExpr == "( test )")

        else if(singleExpr == "( fail )") etc....

    return 0;

您知道文件中的全部输入是什么,因此可以一次测试整个字符串,而不必逐个字符地进行测试。 然后,一旦有了这个字符串,就采取相应的行动

流提取运算符或“ >>”将从流中读取,直到找到空白为止。 在C ++中,cin和cout分别是istream和ostream类型的流。 在您的示例中,exprFile是一个istream,当打开文件时,它成功连接到您提到的文件。 要一次从流中获取一个角色,您可以执行以下操作,

char paren;
paren = cin.get(); //For the cin stream.
paren = exprFile.get(); //for the exprStream stream, depending on your choice



int main(int argc, char* argv[])
    ifstream filename(argv[0]);
    string line;
    char firstChar, secondChar;
    while (getline(filename, line))
        istringstream strm(line);
        strm >> firstChar;
        strm >> secondChar;
        cout << firstChar << " " << secondChar;

    system("pause"); // to wait for user input; allows the user to see what was printed before the window closes
    return 0;


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