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[英]Why doesn't this this instance declaration work in Haskell?

我正在尝试使数据类型代表Haskell中的抽象语法树。 我一直在阅读有关免费monad,GADT,混合Typeable / Dynamic以及其他可能解决此问题的方法的各种知识,但我主要是想知道我提出的解决方案是否可行(即使需要扩展),以及如果没有,为什么不呢?


data AST a b = AST a b
data Atom a = Atom a

class Eval e where
    eval :: e a -> a
instance Eval Atom where
    eval (Atom a) = a


instance Eval (e1 (a -> b)), Eval (e2 a) => Eval (AST b) where
    eval (AST f x) = eval f $ eval x

在英语中,作为Eval b的实例表示可以将某物评估为b ,并且我希望AST作为Eval b一个实例, Eval b是其第一个参数可以评估为a -> b并且第二个参数可以为评价为一个a 因此,想法是AST不一定是类型安全的,但是如果它不是类型安全的,则它不是Eval的实例,因此,如果您在非类型安全的AST上具有调用eval的代码,则它将无法编译。 甚至只是做一个像

typecheck :: Eval e => e a -> e a
typecheck = id

作为静态测试。 考虑到我在表示AST时遇到的所有其他情况,我假设这是不可能的,但是为什么不呢? 任何扩展都可以使这个基本思想可行吗? 对我正在做的事情的主要要求是,我需要能够在运行时生成AST,将AST转换为文本并随后对其进行检查(因此,我显然需要一些NamedFunction数据类型),并且我需要能够可以轻松地用它来表示任意的无点Haskell表达式(因此,任何可以由任意但有限的原始函数/值集合构成的任何东西,但不能包含let / where / case / lambdas / etc)。

编辑:我觉得问题的一部分是在上述情况下推断AST应该是Eval b一个实例。 Atom的情况下,我只是声明instance Eval Atom where ,但是对于AST如果我有instance ... => Eval AST where那我并没有真正指出它是一个Eval b ,只是一个Eval ,它赢了无论如何,在没有AST另一个参数的情况下仍然无法进行编译,因此问题可能出在这里,但我仍然不确定是否有办法告诉编译器我真正追求的是什么。


TypeFamiliesFunctionalDependencies都是类型检查器可以完全基于另一种类型确定一种类型的机制。 这些将为我们解决两个问题。 您遇到的第一个问题是,在类的实例声明中,我们无法从类型a->b中获得类型ab 第二个问题是,我们需要能够根据表达式的类型来判断其计算结果的类型。 TypeFamilies允许我们创建可以解构类型的类型级别的函数。 FunctionalDependencies允许我们声明一个类型可以从另一个类型恢复。

编辑: TypeFamilies提供了比FunctionalDependencies更好的解决方案。


使用TypeFamilies ,我们可以从类型中提取所需的类型

{-#LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts, TypeFamilies, UndecidableInstances #-}
module Main (
) where

data App ef ea = App ef ea
    deriving (Show)

data Atom a = Atom a
    deriving (Show)

class Eval e where
    -- The type of what an expression evaluates to can be determined from the type of the expession
    -- V is a type function that gets this type from the type of the expression
    type V e :: *
    eval :: e -> V e

instance Eval (Atom a) where
    type V (Atom a) = a
    eval (Atom a) = a

-- the class of functions from a to b
-- The only allowed f is (a->b)
-- This creates two type functions, A and B, which can be used to get the type arguments to ->
class (f ~ (A f -> B f)) => F f where
    type A a :: *
    type B b :: *

instance F (a->b) where
    type A (a->b) = a
    type B (a->b) = b

instance (Eval ef, F (V ef), Eval ea, V ea ~ A (V ef)) => Eval (App ef ea) where
    -- B (V ef) is the only thing that requires UndecidableInstances.
    -- It is probably decidable.
    type V (App ef ea) = B (V ef)
    eval (App ef ea) = eval ef $ eval ea

用法不仅由于单态性限制,而且由于App (Atom (Integer->Integer)) (Atom Int)是合法类型,尽管Integer->Integer不能应用于Int

-- Example code

instance Show (a->b) where
    show _ = "->"

test1 :: (Num n) => App (Atom (n->n)) (Atom n)
test1 = App (Atom (+1)) (Atom 3)

test2 = App (App (Atom ((+) :: Int -> Int -> Int)) (Atom (1 :: Int))) (Atom (3 :: Int))

test3 = App (Atom reverse) (Atom "abc")

main = do
    print test1
    print $ eval test1
    putStrLn ""
    print test2
    print $ eval test2
    putStrLn ""
    print test3
    print $ eval test3


-- This still type checks
appStringToString = App (Atom "def") (Atom "abc")
-- But this won't
fails = eval appStringToString


Couldn't match type `A [Char]' with `[Char]'
In the expression: eval appStringToString
In an equation for `fails': fails = eval appStringToString

编辑:定义以下内容,并在示例中使用它代替App ,可让您放弃所有示例中的所有类型注释。

app :: (Eval ef, F (V ef), Eval ea, V ea ~ A (V ef)) => ef -> ea -> App ef ea
app = App

app捕获并保留由所需类型的信息Eval实例App构建时App app构建的表达式树在构造上是正确的。 例如

appStringToString = app (Atom "def") (Atom "abc")


Couldn't match type `A [Char]' with `[Char]'
Expected type: A (V (Atom [Char]))
  Actual type: V (Atom [Char])
In the expression: app (Atom "def") (Atom "abc")
In an equation for `appStringToString':
    appStringToString = app (Atom "def") (Atom "abc")

即使为NoMonomorphismRestriction ,为FunctionalDependencies添加类似的FunctionalDependencies也不能解决类型推断问题。 这使TypeFamilies明显胜过FunctionalDependencies


编辑: TypeFamilies提供了一个更好的解决方案。 本节仅作比较。

使用FunctionalDependencies ,我们声明该类型可以在以后恢复。 它不像TypeFamilies那样处理多态。

{-#LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances, MultiParamTypeClasses, FunctionalDependencies, UndecidableInstances #-}
module Main (
) where

data App ef ea = App ef ea
    deriving (Show)

data Atom a = Atom a
    deriving (Show)

-- Expressions that evaluate to a
-- The type of what an expression evaluates to can be determined from the type of the expession
class Eval a e | e -> a where
    eval :: e -> a

instance Eval a (Atom a) where
    eval (Atom a) = a

-- the class of functions from a to b
class F a b f | f -> a, f -> b where
    func :: f -> (a->b)

instance F a b (a->b) where
    func = id

-- Class of expressions that evaluate to a function a->b
class (Eval f e, F a b f) => EvalF a b f e | e -> f, e -> a, e ->b

-- This requires UndecidaableInstances, but should be decidable
instance (Eval f e, F a b f) => EvalF a b f e

-- This requires UndecidaableInstances, but should be decidable
instance (EvalF a b f ef, Eval a ea) => Eval b (App ef ea) where
    eval (App ef ea) =  func (eval ef) $ eval ea


-- Example code

instance Show (a->b) where
    show _ = "->"

test1 :: (Num n) => App (Atom (n->n)) (Atom n)
test1 = App (Atom (+1)) (Atom 3)

test2 = App (App (Atom ((+) :: Int -> Int -> Int)) (Atom (1 :: Int))) (Atom (3 :: Int))

test3 = App (Atom reverse) (Atom "abc")

main = do
    print test1
    print $ eval (test1 :: App (Atom (Int->Int)) (Atom Int))
    putStrLn ""
    print test2
    print $ eval test2
    putStrLn ""
    print test3
    print $ eval test3


-- This still type checks
appStringToString = App (Atom "def") (Atom "abc")
-- But this won't
fails = eval appStringToString


No instance for (F [Char] a0 [Char]) arising from a use of `eval'
Possible fix: add an instance declaration for (F [Char] a0 [Char])
In the expression: eval appStringToString
In an equation for `fails': fails = eval appStringToString


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