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Shellcode C程序线束

[英]Shellcode C Program Harness

很难使基本的Shellcode程序/测试C程序正常工作。 当我自己运行程序(nasm和ld)时,汇编程序(如下所示)似乎可以正常工作---它打开一个名为key的文件,一次读取1个字节,并将其显示到stdout。

我已经获取了该asm文件,并将十六进制编码提取为硬编码到我的C语言程序中的一个名为assn1 []的char []中,并使用函数指针执行了代码,但最终出现了段错误。 为了确保我不发疯,我添加了另一个名为shellcode []的char [],该字符可容纳用于弹出外壳的十六进制(aleph1),这似乎还可以。 我在运行C可执行文件之前先调用execstack -s。

任何帮助将不胜感激! 我现在已经花了几个小时了...

assn1.asm -------

jmp short bottom    ; relative addressing start

; setup params for open()
pop ebx         ; param1 ebx now holds 'key' 
xor ecx, ecx        ; param2 ecx corresponds to flag O_RDONLY
            ; param3 edx not required for existing file
xor eax, eax        ; clear eax to 0
mov al, 5       ; syscall open()
int 0x80        ; software interrupt to call open()
            ; returns int filedescriptor in eax

; setup params for read() and write()
mov ebx, eax        ; param1 ebx now holds filedescriptor   
sub esp, 1      ; allocate buffer of 1 bytes on stack
mov ecx, esp        ; param2 ecx now points to buffer
xor edx, edx        ; clear edx
inc edx         ; param3 edx set to 1 byte to be read   
xor eax, eax        ; clear eax
mov al, 3       ; syscall code for read()
int 0x80        ; read() 1 byte into buffer
test eax,eax        ; if eax=0, read() reached EoF
jz end          ; and stop reading/writing

; else get ready to write
push ebx        ; store filedescriptor for KEY onto stack 
xor ebx, ebx        ; clear ebx
inc ebx         ; param1 ebx = 1 for stdout
            ; param2 and param3 same from read()
xor eax, eax        ; clear eax
mov al, 4       ; syscall for write()
int 0x80
pop ebx         ; restore filedescriptor to ebx
jmp rwloop      

; place esp back to original point on stack
; add esp, 1

; exit cleanly
xor ebx,ebx     ; retcode = 1
xor eax,eax     ; eax = 0
inc eax         ; eax = 1, syscall exit(1)
int 0x80

call top        ; address of key pushed on stack
db 'key', 0


#include <sys/mman.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

// The trailing null byte is implied because this is a string
char shellcode[] = {

char assn1[] = {

int main (int argc, char **argv) {

int (*func)();

//func = (int (*)()) shellcode;
func = (int (*)()) assn1;


return 0;

您的机器代码是错误的,它似乎被汇编为16位代码。 你忘了bits 32


char assn1[] = {



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