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[英]How to find the shortest distance of a point outside of a polygon starting at the polygon's edge?


  • ADbGeography (办公地址)
  • BDbGeography (客户在办公室服务区以外的地址)
  • Polygon C DbGeography (办公室服务区)

使用上面的点和多边形,我怎样才能找到BC边缘的最近距离? 我假设首先我需要找到AB之间的线,然后找到线与C (= D )相交的位置然后计算从DB的距离?

由于我使用SQL Server的空间功能是有限的,我正在使用实体框架,我不知道如何在代码中表达它。 我还假设我必须使用SqlGeography ,因为DbGeography是有限的。 我可能最终写了DbGeography的扩展。


所以,在过去三个小时搞砸了这个之后,我找到了解决方案。 以下是关心任何人的代码:

public static class DbGeographyExtensions {
    /// <summary>
    /// Returns a double? value containing the shortest distance from the edge of this polygon to the specified point
    /// </summary>
    public static double? ToShortestDistanceFromPoint(
        this DbGeography polygon,
        DbGeography point) {
        if ((polygon != null)
            && (point != null)) {
            /// Convert the DbGeography to SqlGeography
            SqlGeography sqlPolygon = SqlGeography.STPolyFromText(new SqlChars(polygon.AsText()), polygon.CoordinateSystemId);
            SqlGeography sqlPoint = SqlGeography.STPointFromText(new SqlChars(point.AsText()), point.CoordinateSystemId);

            /// Get the shortest line from the edge of the polygon to the point
            SqlGeography shortestPoint = sqlPoint.ShortestLineTo(sqlPolygon);

            /// Return the length of the line (distance returns 0 because it excludes the area of the line)
            return (double?)shortestPoint.STLength();

        return null;


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