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在Java 8中找到高低

[英]Find high and low in Java 8


这可能吗? 这怎么可能?



    private HighLowTuple calculateIteratingWholeArray( List<Integer> arrayWithNumbers,         int from, int to )

    // long start = System.currentTimeMillis();
    HighLowTuple result = new HighLowTuple( -1, Integer.MAX_VALUE );
    for( int i = from; i < to; i++ )

        int value = arrayWithNumbers.get( i );

        if( value > result.high )
            result.high = value;

        if( value < result.low )
            result.low = value;

    // long end = System.currentTimeMillis();
    // System.out.println( "duration internal calculateIteratingWholeArray from " + from +
    // " to + " + to + "  "
    // + ( end - start ) + " ms" );
    return result;

这里使用java 8流的代码:

     private HighLowTuple calculateUsingStreamParallel( List<Integer> arrayWithIntegers )
    HighLowTuple result = new HighLowTuple( -1, Integer.MAX_VALUE );

    Consumer<Integer> highlow = new Consumer<Integer>()

        public void accept( Integer number )
            if( result.high < number )
                result.high = number;

            if( result.low > number )
                result.low = number;

    arrayWithIntegers.stream().parallel().forEach( highlow );
    return result;

在开始考虑性能之前,您应该考虑正确性 您正在使用并行流与自定义,有状态的Consumer ,该Consumer不是线程安全的:

if( result.high < number )
// if another thread updates ⟨high⟩ right at this point you might loose a value
    result.high = number;

if( result.low > number )
// again, possible loss of values here
    result.low = number;

此外,除非您已将变量HighLowTuple.highHighLowTuple.lowvolatile ,否则当您在没有同步的情况下使用多线程时,JVM的优化可能会导致更多的更新丢失。 但是如果你声明它们是volatile你不应该对性能降低感到惊讶(但仍然有不正确的代码)。

解决方案是首先了解API。 你已经重新发明了这个轮子,因为已经有一种简洁的方法可以在Java 8中找到高低:

IntSummaryStatistics s = arrayWithIntegers.stream()
// if you still like your tuple class:
return new HighLowTuple(s.getMax(), s.getMin());


IntSummaryStatistics s = IntStream.of(array).parallel().summaryStatistics();


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