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[英]Disable submit button until one in a group of dynamically-created radio buttons selected

我想禁用提交按钮,直到选择了一组单选按钮之一。 知道那里也有类似的问题,但都与动态创建的单选按钮组无关。


var jScriptArray = new Array(@ViewBag.ColNames.Length);
var array = @Html.Raw(Json.Encode(ViewBag.ColNames));
for( var i = 0; i < @ViewBag.ColNames.Length; i++ ) {
    jScriptArray[i] = array[i];
var length = @(ViewBag.NCols);
$(document).ready(function () {
     for (var i = 0; i < length; i++) {
           $('#radioGroupBy').append('<input id="grp' + i +'" type="radio" name="group" value="'+i+'">'+jScriptArray[i]+'</input>')
           $('#radioGroupBy').append('<p style="padding:0px;margin:0px;"></br></p>');

这有效,选择任何按钮都将返回正确的值; 大。 但是,我想禁用提交按钮,直到选择了这些单选按钮之一。 使用我之前在SO上找到的答案,我创建了以下内容(此方法有效,但仅当我对按钮组进行硬编码时才起作用。问题是它不适用于Javascript创建的组):

var $radioButtons = $("input[name='group']");
    $radioButtons.change(function () {
        var anyRadioButtonHasValue = false;
        // iterate through all radio buttons
        $radioButtons.each(function () {
            if (this.checked) {
                // indicate we found a radio button which has a value
                anyRadioButtonHasValue = true;
                // break out of each loop
                return false;
        // check if we found any radio button which has a value
        if (anyRadioButtonHasValue) {
            // enable submit button.


<input id="submitbtn" name="submitbtn" type="submit" value="Drill Down" disabled="disabled" />



$("#radioGroupBy").on("change", ":radio[name=group]", function() {
    var $radioButtons = $(":radio[name=group]");
    var anyRadioButtonHasValue = false;
    // iterate through all radio buttons
    $radioButtons.each(function () {
        if (this.checked) {
            // indicate we found a radio button which has a value
            anyRadioButtonHasValue = true;
            // break out of each loop
            return false;
    // check if we found any radio button which has a value
    if (anyRadioButtonHasValue) {
        $("input[name='submitbtn']").prop("disabled", false);

我想到了。 正如本杰明在上述评论中所建议的那样,后一个脚本是在DOM准备就绪之前执行的。 我通过将整个脚本放在$(window).load ...中来解决它:

$(window).load(function () {
    var $radioButtons = $("input[name='group']");
    $radioButtons.change(function () {
        var anyRadioButtonHasValue = false;
        // iterate through all radio buttons
        $radioButtons.each(function () {
            if (this.checked) {
                // indicate we found a radio button which has a value
                anyRadioButtonHasValue = true;
                // break out of each loop
                return false;
        // check if we found any radio button which has a value
        if (anyRadioButtonHasValue) {
            // enable submit button.


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