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[英]How to create a simple quiz in python with multiple topics?

我是 Python 新手,了解不多,但我认为我可以很好地进行测验,并希望它们有点复杂。

如何让程序首先让用户选择测试类型。 (即动物或首都),然后给用户的问题将与该主题有关。 我应该为每个主题创建一个带有一组问题的函数吗? 然后当用户输入他们想要的主题时,代码应该看起来像:(大致)

print("Do you want to answer questions on animals or capital cities or math?"
      " Type animal, city or math")
topic = input()
if topic == 'animal':
    def AnimalQuestions(): #this will be written before this code



animals_questions = 'Animals Questions'
capitals_questions = 'Capitals Questions'
math_questions = 'Math Questions'

questions = [animals_questions, capitals_questions, math_questions]

quiz = {animals_questions: [("All lionesses in a pride", True),
                        ("Another animals question", False),
                        ("Last animals question", False)],

        capitals_questions: [("Cairo is the capital city of Egypt", True),
                         ("Another capitals question", True),
                         ("Last capitals question", False)],

        math_questions: [("20 is log 100 for base 1o", False),
                     ("Another math question", True),
                     ("Last math question", False)]

result = {"Correct": 0, "Incorrect": 0}

def get_quiz_choice():
    while True:
            quiz_number = int(raw_input(
                'Choose the quiz you like\n1 for {}\n2 for {}\n3 for {}\nYour choice:'.format(animals_questions,
        except ValueError:
            print "Not a number, please try again\n"
            if 0 >= quiz_number or quiz_number > len(quiz):
                print "Invalid value, please try again\n"
                return quiz_number

def get_answer(question, correct_answer):
    while True:
            print "Q: {}".format(question)
            answer = int(raw_input("1 for True\n0 for False\nYour answer: "))
        except ValueError:
            print "Not a number, please try again\n"
            if answer is not 0 and answer is not 1:
                print "Invalid value, please try again\n"
            elif bool(answer) is correct_answer:
                result["Correct"] += 1
                return True
                result["Incorrect"] += 1
                return False

choice = get_quiz_choice()
quiz_name = questions[choice - 1]
print "\nYou chose the {}\n".format(quiz_name)
quiz_questions = quiz[quiz_name]
for q in (quiz_questions):
    print "Your answer is: {}\n".format(str(get_answer(q[0], q[1])))


/usr/bin/python /Users/arefaey/workspace/playground/python/Quiz/quiz.py

Choose the quiz you like
1 for Animals Questions
2 for Capitals Questions
3 for Math Questions
Your choice: 2

You chose the Capitals Questions

Q: Cairo is the capital city of Egypt
1 for True
0 for False
Your answer: 1
Your answer is: True

Q: Another capitals question
1 for True
0 for False
Your answer: 1
Your answer is: True

Q: Last capitals question
1 for True
0 for False
Your answer: 1
Your answer is: False

You have finished the quiz with score: {'Incorrect': 1, 'Correct': 2}

这应该会让你走上正确的轨道,但是从你的代码示例来看,通读Python文档和/或尝试一些教程材料 @ http://www.learnpython.org/可能是值得的

def animal_quiz():
    # do something

def city_quiz():
    # do something

def math_quiz():
    # do something

topic = raw_input('Do you want to answer questions on animals or capital cities or math? Type animal, city or math')
if topic == 'animal':
elif topic == 'city':
elif topic == 'math':


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