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来自 Swift Range 的 NSRange?

[英]NSRange from Swift Range?

问题:当我使用使用 Range 的 Swift String 时,NSAttributedString 使用 NSRange

let text = "Long paragraph saying something goes here!"
let textRange = text.startIndex..<text.endIndex
let attributedString = NSMutableAttributedString(string: text)

text.enumerateSubstringsInRange(textRange, options: NSStringEnumerationOptions.ByWords, { (substring, substringRange, enclosingRange, stop) -> () in

    if (substring == "saying") {
        attributedString.addAttribute(NSForegroundColorAttributeName, value: NSColor.redColor(), range: substringRange)


错误:'Range' 不能转换为 'NSRange'attributedString.addAttribute(NSForegroundColorAttributeName, value: NSColor.redColor(), range: substringRange)

Swift String范围和NSString范围不“兼容”。 例如,像 😄 这样的表情符号算作一个 Swift 字符,但算作两个NSString字符(所谓的 UTF-16 代理对)。

因此,如果字符串包含此类字符,您建议的解决方案将产生意外结果。 例子:

let text = "😄😄😄Long paragraph saying!"
let textRange = text.startIndex..<text.endIndex
let attributedString = NSMutableAttributedString(string: text)

text.enumerateSubstringsInRange(textRange, options: NSStringEnumerationOptions.ByWords, { (substring, substringRange, enclosingRange, stop) -> () in
    let start = distance(text.startIndex, substringRange.startIndex)
    let length = distance(substringRange.startIndex, substringRange.endIndex)
    let range = NSMakeRange(start, length)

    if (substring == "saying") {
        attributedString.addAttribute(NSForegroundColorAttributeName, value: NSColor.redColor(), range: range)


😄😄😄Long paragra{
}ph say{
    NSColor = "NSCalibratedRGBColorSpace 1 0 0 1";

如您所见,“ph say”已被标记为属性,而不是“saying”。

由于NS(Mutable)AttributedString最终需要一个NSString和一个NSRange ,实际上最好先将给定的字符串转换为NSString 然后substringRangeNSRange并且您不必再转换范围:

let text = "😄😄😄Long paragraph saying!"
let nsText = text as NSString
let textRange = NSMakeRange(0, nsText.length)
let attributedString = NSMutableAttributedString(string: nsText)

nsText.enumerateSubstringsInRange(textRange, options: NSStringEnumerationOptions.ByWords, { (substring, substringRange, enclosingRange, stop) -> () in

    if (substring == "saying") {
        attributedString.addAttribute(NSForegroundColorAttributeName, value: NSColor.redColor(), range: substringRange)


😄😄😄Long paragraph {
    NSColor = "NSCalibratedRGBColorSpace 1 0 0 1";

Swift 2 更新:

let text = "😄😄😄Long paragraph saying!"
let nsText = text as NSString
let textRange = NSMakeRange(0, nsText.length)
let attributedString = NSMutableAttributedString(string: text)

nsText.enumerateSubstringsInRange(textRange, options: .ByWords, usingBlock: {
    (substring, substringRange, _, _) in

    if (substring == "saying") {
        attributedString.addAttribute(NSForegroundColorAttributeName, value: NSColor.redColor(), range: substringRange)

Swift 3 更新:

let text = "😄😄😄Long paragraph saying!"
let nsText = text as NSString
let textRange = NSMakeRange(0, nsText.length)
let attributedString = NSMutableAttributedString(string: text)

nsText.enumerateSubstrings(in: textRange, options: .byWords, using: {
    (substring, substringRange, _, _) in

    if (substring == "saying") {
        attributedString.addAttribute(NSForegroundColorAttributeName, value: NSColor.red, range: substringRange)

Swift 4 更新:

从 Swift 4 (Xcode 9) 开始,Swift 标准库提供了在Range<String.Index>NSRange之间进行转换的方法。 不再需要转换为NSString

let text = "😄😄😄Long paragraph saying!"
let attributedString = NSMutableAttributedString(string: text)

text.enumerateSubstrings(in: text.startIndex..<text.endIndex, options: .byWords) {
    (substring, substringRange, _, _) in
    if substring == "saying" {
        attributedString.addAttribute(.foregroundColor, value: NSColor.red,
                                      range: NSRange(substringRange, in: text))

这里substringRange是一个Range<String.Index> ,它被转换为相应的NSRange

NSRange(substringRange, in: text)

对于您所描述的情况,我发现这是可行的。 它相对简短而甜蜜:

 let attributedString = NSMutableAttributedString(string: "follow the yellow brick road") //can essentially come from a textField.text as well (will need to unwrap though)
 let text = "follow the yellow brick road"
 let str = NSString(string: text) 
 let theRange = str.rangeOfString("yellow")
 attributedString.addAttribute(NSForegroundColorAttributeName, value: UIColor.yellowColor(), range: theRange)

答案很好,但是使用 Swift 4,您可以稍微简化一下代码:

let text = "Test string"
let substring = "string"

let substringRange = text.range(of: substring)!
let nsRange = NSRange(substringRange, in: text)



Swift 提供了 distance() 来测量起点和终点之间的距离,可用于创建 NSRange:

let text = "Long paragraph saying something goes here!"
let textRange = text.startIndex..<text.endIndex
let attributedString = NSMutableAttributedString(string: text)

text.enumerateSubstringsInRange(textRange, options: NSStringEnumerationOptions.ByWords, { (substring, substringRange, enclosingRange, stop) -> () in
    let start = distance(text.startIndex, substringRange.startIndex)
    let length = distance(substringRange.startIndex, substringRange.endIndex)
    let range = NSMakeRange(start, length)

//    println("word: \(substring) - \(d1) to \(d2)")

        if (substring == "saying") {
            attributedString.addAttribute(NSForegroundColorAttributeName, value: NSColor.redColor(), range: range)


let font = UIFont.systemFont(ofSize: 12, weight: .medium)
let text = "text"
let attString = NSMutableAttributedString(string: "exemple text :)")

attString.addAttributes([.font: font], range:(attString.string as NSString).range(of: text))

label.attributedText = attString

斯威夫特 4:

当然,我知道 Swift 4 已经有了 NSRange 的扩展

public init<R, S>(_ region: R, in target: S) where R : RangeExpression,
    S : StringProtocol, 
    R.Bound == String.Index, S.Index == String.Index

我知道在大多数情况下这个 init 就足够了。 查看它的用法:

let string = "Many animals here: 🐶🦇🐱 !!!"

if let range = string.range(of: "🐶🦇🐱"){
     print((string as NSString).substring(with: NSRange(range, in: string))) //  "🐶🦇🐱"

但是可以直接从 Range<String.Index> 转换为 NSRange,无需 Swift 的 String 实例。


extension NSRange {
    public init(_ range:Range<String.Index>) {
        self.init(location: range.lowerBound.encodedOffset,
              length: range.upperBound.encodedOffset -
                      range.lowerBound.encodedOffset) }

或者您可以为 Range 本身创建专门的扩展

extension Range where Bound == String.Index {
    var nsRange:NSRange {
    return NSRange(location: self.lowerBound.encodedOffset,
                     length: self.upperBound.encodedOffset -


let string = "Many animals here: 🐶🦇🐱 !!!"
if let range = string.range(of: "🐶🦇🐱"){
    print((string as NSString).substring(with: NSRange(range))) //  "🐶🦇🐱"


if let nsrange = string.range(of: "🐶🦇🐱")?.nsRange{
    print((string as NSString).substring(with: nsrange)) //  "🐶🦇🐱"

斯威夫特 5:

由于 Swift 字符串默认迁移到 UTF-8 编码,因此使用encodedOffset被认为是不推荐使用的,并且 Range 在没有 String 本身的实例的情况下无法转换为 NSRange,因为为了计算偏移量我们需要源字符串以 UTF-8 编码,在计算偏移量之前应将其转换为 UTF-16。 所以目前最好的方法是使用通用的init

斯威夫特 4


1. NSRange(范围,在:)

2. NSRange(位置:,长度:)


let attributedString = NSMutableAttributedString(string: "Sample Text 12345", attributes: [.font : UIFont.systemFont(ofSize: 15.0)])

// NSRange(range, in: )
if let range = attributedString.string.range(of: "Sample")  {
    attributedString.addAttribute(.foregroundColor, value: UIColor.orange, range: NSRange(range, in: attributedString.string))

// NSRange(location: , length: )
if let range = attributedString.string.range(of: "12345") {
    attributedString.addAttribute(.foregroundColor, value: UIColor.green, range: NSRange(location: range.lowerBound.encodedOffset, length: range.upperBound.encodedOffset - range.lowerBound.encodedOffset))

截屏: 在此处输入图片说明

保留现有属性的Swift 3 扩展变体

extension UILabel {
  func setLineHeight(lineHeight: CGFloat) {
    guard self.text != nil && self.attributedText != nil else { return }
    var attributedString = NSMutableAttributedString()

    if let attributedText = self.attributedText {
      attributedString = NSMutableAttributedString(attributedString: attributedText)
    } else if let text = self.text {
      attributedString = NSMutableAttributedString(string: text)

    let style = NSMutableParagraphStyle()
    style.lineSpacing = lineHeight
    style.alignment = self.textAlignment
    let str = NSString(string: attributedString.string)

                                  value: style,
                                  range: str.range(of: str as String))
    self.attributedText = attributedString
func formatAttributedStringWithHighlights(text: String, highlightedSubString: String?, formattingAttributes: [String: AnyObject]) -> NSAttributedString {
    let mutableString = NSMutableAttributedString(string: text)

    let text = text as NSString         // convert to NSString be we need NSRange
    if let highlightedSubString = highlightedSubString {
        let highlightedSubStringRange = text.rangeOfString(highlightedSubString) // find first occurence
        if highlightedSubStringRange.length > 0 {       // check for not found
            mutableString.setAttributes(formattingAttributes, range: highlightedSubStringRange)

    return mutableString

我喜欢 Swift 语言,但是将NSAttributedString与与NSRange不兼容的 Swift Range一起NSRange让我的NSRange了太久。 因此,为了解决所有这些垃圾,我设计了以下方法来返回一个NSMutableAttributedString ,其中突出显示的单词设置为您的颜色。

并不适用于表情符号工作。 如果必须,请修改。

extension String {
    func getRanges(of string: String) -> [NSRange] {
        var ranges:[NSRange] = []
        if contains(string) {
            let words = self.components(separatedBy: " ")
            var position:Int = 0
            for word in words {
                if word.lowercased() == string.lowercased() {
                    let startIndex = position
                    let endIndex = word.characters.count
                    let range = NSMakeRange(startIndex, endIndex)
                position += (word.characters.count + 1) // +1 for space
        return ranges
    func highlight(_ words: [String], this color: UIColor) -> NSMutableAttributedString {
        let attributedString = NSMutableAttributedString(string: self)
        for word in words {
            let ranges = getRanges(of: word)
            for range in ranges {
                attributedString.addAttributes([NSForegroundColorAttributeName: color], range: range)
        return attributedString


// The strings you're interested in
let string = "The dog ran after the cat"
let words = ["the", "ran"]

// Highlight words and get back attributed string
let attributedString = string.highlight(words, this: .yellow)

// Set attributed string
label.attributedText = attributedString

我的解决方案是一个字符串扩展,它首先获取 swift 范围,然后获取从字符串开头到子字符串开头和结尾的距离。

然后使用这些值来计算子字符串的开始和长度。 然后我们可以将这些值应用到 NSMakeRange 构造函数。

此解决方案适用于由多个单词组成的子字符串,这里使用 enumerateSubstrings 的许多解决方案让我失望。

extension String {

    func NSRange(of substring: String) -> NSRange? {
        // Get the swift range 
        guard let range = range(of: substring) else { return nil }

        // Get the distance to the start of the substring
        let start = distance(from: startIndex, to: range.lowerBound) as Int
        //Get the distance to the end of the substring
        let end = distance(from: startIndex, to: range.upperBound) as Int

        //length = endOfSubstring - startOfSubstring
        //start = startOfSubstring
        return NSMakeRange(start, end - start)


Swift 5 解决方案

将范围转换为 NSRange

由于不推荐使用'encodedOffset' ,所以现在为了将String.Index转换为Int,我们需要从其派生Range<String.Index>的原始字符串的引用。

NSRange 的一个方便的详细扩展如下:

extension NSRange {

    public init(range: Range<String.Index>, 
                originalText: String) {

        let range_LowerBound_INDEX = range.lowerBound
        let range_UpperBound_INDEX = range.upperBound

        let range_LowerBound_INT = range_LowerBound_INDEX.utf16Offset(in: originalText)
        let range_UpperBound_INT = range_UpperBound_INDEX.utf16Offset(in: originalText)

        let locationTemp = range_LowerBound_INT
        let lengthTemp = range_UpperBound_INT - range_LowerBound_INT

        self.init(location: locationTemp,
                  length: lengthTemp)


extension NSRange {

    public init(range: Range<String.Index>, 
                originalText: String) {

        self.init(location: range.lowerBound.utf16Offset(in: originalText),
                  length: range.upperBound.utf16Offset(in: originalText) - range.lowerBound.utf16Offset(in: originalText))

现在我们可以使用任何 Range 将其转换为 NSRange,如下所示,分享我自己的需求,这导致我编写了上述扩展


extension String {
    func ranges(of substring: String, options: CompareOptions = [], locale: Locale? = nil) -> [Range<Index>] {
        var ranges: [Range<Index>] = []
        while let range = range(of: substring, options: options, range: (ranges.last?.upperBound ?? self.startIndex)..<self.endIndex, locale: locale) {
        return ranges


extension NSAttributedString {

    static func colored(originalText:String,
                        differentColor:UIColor) -> NSAttributedString {
        let attr = NSMutableAttributedString(string: originalText)
                          value: currentColor,
                          range: NSRange(location: 0, length: originalText.count))
        for eachRange in originalText.ranges(of: wordToColor) {
                              value: differentColor,
                              range: NSRange(range: eachRange, originalText: originalText))
        return attr



let text = "Collected".localized() + "  +  " + "Cancelled".localized() + "  +  " + "Pending".localized()
myLabel.attributedText = NSAttributedString.colored(originalText: text,
                                                    wordToColor: "+",
                                                    currentColor: UIColor.purple,
                                                    differentColor: UIColor.blue)



希望这可以帮助有需要的人。 谢谢!

let text:String = "Hello Friend"

let searchRange:NSRange = NSRange(location:0,length: text.characters.count)

let range:Range`<Int`> = Range`<Int`>.init(start: searchRange.location, end: searchRange.length)


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