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[英]How can I check if an object representing a number is greater than another?

我目前正在编写一个可以表示无限大数量的类(理论上)。 此类的构造函数从字符串值创建对象,这就是为什么数字可能很大但未知的原因。

我之所以开始写这堂课,是因为我希望能够编写一个程序,该程序能够以任意大的数量执行数学计算。 因此,我开始编写一个可以很好地处理整数,浮点数,双精度数(希望是十进制)等标准范围内的值的类。


/// <summary>
/// Creates a new instance of the LargeDecimal class, which represents either a whole or decimal number.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="number">The string representation of the number.</param>
public LargeDecimal(string value)
    string number = value.Replace(" ", "");
    if (number.Contains("-") && (number.IndexOf('-') == 0)) {
        number = number.Replace("-", "");
        IsNegative = true;
    // Determining whether the number is whole or contains a decimal.
    if (number.IndexOf('.') == -1) {
        // Does not contain a decimal.
        for (int i = 0; i < number.Length; i++)
        IsWhole = true;
    else {
        // Still check if number is whole. Add all decimal digits.
        string[] numArray = number.Split('.');
        int sumOfDecimalDigits = 0;
        for (int i = 0; i < numArray[1].ToString().Length; i++)
            sumOfDecimalDigits += int.Parse(numArray[1].ToString()[i].ToString());
        if (sumOfDecimalDigits <= 0) {
            // Is a whole number.
            for (int i = 0; i < numArray[0].ToString().Length; i++)
            IsWhole = true;
        else {
            // Is not a whole number.
            for (int i = 0; i < numArray[0].ToString().Length; i++)
            for (int i = 0; i < numArray[1].ToString().Length; i++)
            IsWhole = false;


我已经编写了一个Add方法,该方法接受两个LargeDecimal对象,将它们的值相加,然后返回一个新的LargeDecimal对象,其总和为它的值。 尽管不完整,但它确实适用于LargeDecimal对象,这些对象仅是整数,并且都是正数或都是负数(图片!)。

我已经意识到,添加用于比较两个值(大于/小于/等于)的方法在计算中非常有用。 但是,我不确定如何检查LargeDecimal对象的值是大于还是小于另一个LargeDecimal的值。

在某些情况下,我只能比较WholeDigits列表中的项目数量,但这仅是当两个值的项目数量都不同时。 我不确定如何比较两个数字,例如:15498765423654973246和15499111137583924246。


我不希望将整数计算与位置值一起使用(例如,在数字831中,数字8的值为8 * 100,数字3的值为3 * 10,数字1的值为1 * 1),因为我希望此类能够表示任何给定大小,长度和范围的值(而int不能处理最大2147483647的值)。

任何对此的帮助将不胜感激! 谢谢你们!


List<int> WholeList;
List<int> FactionalList;
bool IsNegative;


  1. 首先比较迹象。 负面总是小于正面。
  2. 比较WholeList的长度,较长的则具有较大的大小(较大的数字取决于符号)
  3. 如果WholeList.Count相同。 比较从最高有效位开始的每个数字(首先是WholeList [Count-1]),首先比较数字之间的差异将确定较大的幅度。
  4. 如果将其放入FractionalList,然后在一个列表中用完数字。 FractionalList较长的数字将具有更大的幅度。


public class LargeDecimal : IComparable<LargeDecimal>


public int CompareTo(LargeDecimal other)
    if (other == null) return 1;
    if (ReferenceEquals(this, other)) return 0;

    if (IsNegative != other.IsNegative)
        if (other.IsNegative) return 1;
        return -1;

    int multiplier = (IsNegative) ? -1 : 1;

    if (wholeDigits.Count > other.wholeDigits.Count) return 1 * multiplier;
    if (wholeDigits.Count < other.wholeDigits.Count) return -1 * multiplier;

    for (int i = 0; i < wholeDigits.Count; i++)
        if (wholeDigits[i] > other.wholeDigits[i]) return 1 * multiplier;
        if (wholeDigits[i] < other.wholeDigits[i]) return -1 * multiplier;

    for (int i = 0; i < Math.Min(decimalDigits.Count, other.decimalDigits.Count); i++)
        if (decimalDigits[i] > other.decimalDigits[i]) return 1 * multiplier;
        if (decimalDigits[i] < other.decimalDigits[i]) return -1 * multiplier;

    if (decimalDigits.Count > other.decimalDigits.Count) return 1 * multiplier;
    if (decimalDigits.Count < other.decimalDigits.Count) return -1 * multiplier;

    return 0;


这个项目是在今晚的晚餐上坐在我的大脑上的,所以我又去了一些有趣的事情。 不确定这是否有帮助,但想知道我会分享我的想法。


public bool IsNegative { get; private set; }
public bool IsWhole { get; private set; }

private List<int> wholeDigits;
private List<int> decimalDigits;


public override string ToString()
    return string.Format("{0}{1}{2}{3}",
        (IsNegative) ? "-" : "",
        string.Join("", wholeDigits),
        (IsWhole) ? "" : ".",
        (IsWhole) ? "" : string.Join("", decimalDigits));


public static bool Equals(LargeDecimal first, LargeDecimal second)
    return ReferenceEquals(first, null) 
        ? ReferenceEquals(second, null) 
        : first.Equals(second);

public override bool Equals(object obj)
    return Equals(obj as LargeDecimal);

protected bool Equals(LargeDecimal other)
    return CompareTo(other) == 0;

public override int GetHashCode()
        var hashCode = (wholeDigits != null)
            ? wholeDigits.GetHashCode() 
            : 0;
        hashCode = (hashCode * 397) ^ 
            (decimalDigits != null ? decimalDigits.GetHashCode() : 0);
        hashCode = (hashCode * 397) ^ IsNegative.GetHashCode();
        hashCode = (hashCode * 397) ^ IsWhole.GetHashCode();
        return hashCode;


private void ResetToZero()
    wholeDigits = new List<int> { 0 };
    decimalDigits = new List<int> { 0 };
    IsWhole = true;
    IsNegative = false;

private void NormalizeLists()
    IsWhole = (decimalDigits.Count == 0 
        || (decimalDigits.Count == 1 && decimalDigits[0] == 0));

private void AddLeadingZeroes(List<int> list, int numberOfZeroes)
    if (list == null) return;

    for (int i = 0; i < numberOfZeroes; i++)
        list.Insert(0, 0);

private void AddTrailingZeroes(List<int> list, int numberOfZeroes)
    if (list == null) return;

    for (int i = 0; i < numberOfZeroes; i++)

private void RemoveLeadingZeroes(List<int> list, bool leaveOneIfEmpty = true)
    if (list == null) return;

    var temp = list;

    for (int i = 0; i < temp.Count; i++)
        if (temp[i] == 0)

    if (leaveOneIfEmpty && !list.Any()) list.Add(0);

private void RemoveTrailingZeroes(List<int> list, bool leaveOneIfEmpty = true)
    if (list == null) return;

    var temp = list;

    for (int i = temp.Count -1; i >= 0; i--)
        if (temp[i] == 0)

    if (leaveOneIfEmpty && !list.Any()) list.Add(0);

接下来,我添加了一些构造函数。 一个默认值,将数字设置为“ 0”,一个默认值解析一个字符串,另一个LargeDecimal值则从另一个LargeDecimal复制值:

public LargeDecimal() : this("0") { }

public LargeDecimal(string value)
    if (value == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("value");

    string number = value.Replace(" ", ""); // remove spaces
    number = number.TrimStart('0'); // remove leading zeroes
    IsNegative = (number.IndexOf('-') == 0); // check for negative
    number = number.Replace("-", ""); // remove dashes
    // add a zero if there were no numbers before a decimal point
    if (number.IndexOf('.') == 0) number = "0" + number; 

    // Initialize lists
    wholeDigits = new List<int>();
    decimalDigits = new List<int>();

    // Get whole and decimal parts of the number
    var numberParts = number.Split(new[] {'.'}, 

    IsWhole = numberParts.Length == 1;

    // Add whole digits to the list
    wholeDigits.AddRange(numberParts[0].Select(n => int.Parse(n.ToString())));

    // Add decimal digits to the list (if there are any)
    if (numberParts.Length > 1 && 
        numberParts[1].Sum(n => int.Parse(n.ToString())) > 0)
        numberParts[1] = numberParts[1].TrimEnd('0');
        decimalDigits.AddRange(numberParts[1].Select(n => int.Parse(n.ToString())));


public LargeDecimal(LargeDecimal initializeFrom)
    wholeDigits = initializeFrom.wholeDigits
        .GetRange(0, initializeFrom.wholeDigits.Count);
    decimalDigits = initializeFrom.decimalDigits
        .GetRange(0, initializeFrom.decimalDigits.Count);
    IsWhole = initializeFrom.IsWhole;
    IsNegative = initializeFrom.IsNegative;


public void Add(LargeDecimal other)
    if (other == null) return;

    if (IsNegative != other.IsNegative)
        // Get the absolue values of the two operands
        var absThis = new LargeDecimal(this) {IsNegative = false};
        var absOther = new LargeDecimal(other) {IsNegative = false};

        // If the signs are different and the values are the same, reset to 0.
        if (absThis == absOther)

        // Since the signs are different, we will retain the sign of the larger number
        IsNegative = absThis < absOther ? other.IsNegative : IsNegative;

        // Assign the difference of the two absolute values
        wholeDigits = absThis.wholeDigits.GetRange(0, absThis.wholeDigits.Count);
        decimalDigits = absThis.decimalDigits.GetRange(0, absThis.decimalDigits.Count);

    // start with the larger decimal digits list
    var newDecimalDigits = new List<int>();
    newDecimalDigits = decimalDigits.Count > other.decimalDigits.Count
        ? decimalDigits.GetRange(0, decimalDigits.Count)
        : other.decimalDigits.GetRange(0, other.decimalDigits.Count);

    // and add the smaller one to it
    int carry = 0; // Represents the value of the 'tens' digit to carry over
    for (int i = Math.Min(decimalDigits.Count, other.decimalDigits.Count) - 1; i >= 0; i--)
        var result = decimalDigits[i] + other.decimalDigits[i] + carry;
        carry = Convert.ToInt32(Math.Floor((decimal) result / 10));
        result = result % 10;
        newDecimalDigits[i] = result;

    var newWholeDigits = new List<int>();
    newWholeDigits = wholeDigits.Count > other.wholeDigits.Count
        ? wholeDigits.GetRange(0, wholeDigits.Count)
        : other.wholeDigits.GetRange(0, other.wholeDigits.Count);

    for (int i = Math.Min(wholeDigits.Count, other.wholeDigits.Count) - 1; i >= 0; i--)
        var result = wholeDigits[i] + other.wholeDigits[i] + carry;
        carry = Convert.ToInt32(Math.Floor((decimal)result / 10));
        result = result % 10;
        newWholeDigits[i] = result;

    if (carry > 0) newWholeDigits.Insert(0, carry);

    wholeDigits = newWholeDigits.GetRange(0, newWholeDigits.Count);
    decimalDigits = newDecimalDigits.GetRange(0, newDecimalDigits.Count);

public void Subtract(LargeDecimal other)
    if (other == null) return;

    // If the other value is the same as this one, then the difference is zero
    if (Equals(other))

    // Absolute values will be used to determine how we subtract
    var absThis = new LargeDecimal(this) {IsNegative = false};
    var absOther = new LargeDecimal(other) {IsNegative = false};

    // If the signs are different, then the difference will be the sum
    if (IsNegative != other.IsNegative)
        wholeDigits = absThis.wholeDigits.GetRange(0, absThis.wholeDigits.Count);
        decimalDigits = absThis.decimalDigits.GetRange(0, absThis.decimalDigits.Count);

    // Subtract smallNumber from bigNumber to get the difference
    LargeDecimal bigNumber;
    LargeDecimal smallNumber;

    if (absThis < absOther)
        bigNumber = new LargeDecimal(absOther);
        smallNumber = new LargeDecimal(absThis);
        bigNumber = new LargeDecimal(absThis);
        smallNumber = new LargeDecimal(absOther);

    // Pad the whole number and decimal number lists where necessary so that both
    // LargeDecimal objects have the same count of whole and decimal numbers.
        bigNumber.decimalDigits.Count < smallNumber.decimalDigits.Count
            ? bigNumber.decimalDigits
            : smallNumber.decimalDigits,
        Math.Abs(bigNumber.decimalDigits.Count - smallNumber.decimalDigits.Count));

        Math.Abs(bigNumber.wholeDigits.Count - smallNumber.wholeDigits.Count));

    var newWholeDigits = new List<int>();
    var newDecimalDigits = new List<int>();

    bool borrowed = false; // True if we borrowed 1 from next number
    for (int i = bigNumber.decimalDigits.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--)
        if (borrowed)
            bigNumber.decimalDigits[i] -= 1; // We borrowed one from this number last time
            borrowed = false;

        if (bigNumber.decimalDigits[i] < smallNumber.decimalDigits[i])
            bigNumber.decimalDigits[i] += 10; // Borrow from next number and add to this one
            borrowed = true;

        // Since we're working from the back of the list, always add to the front
        newDecimalDigits.Insert(0, bigNumber.decimalDigits[i] - smallNumber.decimalDigits[i]);

    for (int i = bigNumber.wholeDigits.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--)
        if (borrowed)
            bigNumber.wholeDigits[i] -= 1;
            borrowed = false;

        if (bigNumber.wholeDigits[i] < smallNumber.wholeDigits[i])
            bigNumber.wholeDigits[i] += 10;
            borrowed = true;

        newWholeDigits.Insert(0, bigNumber.wholeDigits[i] - smallNumber.wholeDigits[i]);

    if (absThis < absOther) IsNegative = !IsNegative;
    wholeDigits = newWholeDigits.GetRange(0, newWholeDigits.Count);
    decimalDigits = newDecimalDigits.GetRange(0, newDecimalDigits.Count);


public static LargeDecimal operator +(LargeDecimal first, LargeDecimal second)
    if (first == null) return second;
    if (second == null) return first;

    var result = new LargeDecimal(first);
    return result;

public static LargeDecimal operator -(LargeDecimal first, LargeDecimal second)
    if (first == null) return second;
    if (second == null) return first;

    var result = new LargeDecimal(first);
    return result;

public static bool operator >(LargeDecimal first, LargeDecimal second)
    if (first == null) return false;
    return first.CompareTo(second) > 0;

public static bool operator <(LargeDecimal first, LargeDecimal second)
    if (second == null) return false;
    return second.CompareTo(first) > 0;

public static bool operator >=(LargeDecimal first, LargeDecimal second)
    if (first == null) return false;
    return first.CompareTo(second) >= 0;
public static bool operator <=(LargeDecimal first, LargeDecimal second)
    if (second == null) return false;
    return second.CompareTo(first) >= 0;
public static bool operator ==(LargeDecimal first, LargeDecimal second)
    return Equals(first, second);

public static bool operator !=(LargeDecimal first, LargeDecimal second)
    return !Equals(first, second);



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