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比较 Swift 中的两个版本字符串

[英]Compare two version strings in Swift



最终不得不将我的字符串转换为 NSStrings:

if storeVersion.compare(currentVersion, options: NSStringCompareOptions.NumericSearch) == NSComparisonResult.OrderedDescending {
       println("store version is newer")

斯威夫特 3

let currentVersion = "3.0.1"
let storeVersion = "3.0.2"

if storeVersion.compare(currentVersion, options: .numeric) == .orderedDescending {
    print("store version is newer")

您不需要将其转换为 NSString。 Swift 3 中的 String 对象足够强大,可以比较如下版本。

let version = "1.0.0"
let targetVersion = "0.5.0"

version.compare(targetVersion, options: .numeric) == .orderedSame        // false
version.compare(targetVersion, options: .numeric) == .orderedAscending   // false
version.compare(targetVersion, options: .numeric) == .orderedDescending  // true


因此,我在 String 中创建了各种这些扩展方法来使用 Swift 处理版本比较。 它确实考虑了我说的额外零,非常简单,并且会按您的预期工作。

XCTAssertTrue(UIDevice.current.systemVersion.isVersion(lessThan: "99.0.0"))
XCTAssertTrue(UIDevice.current.systemVersion.isVersion(equalTo: UIDevice.current.systemVersion))
XCTAssertTrue(UIDevice.current.systemVersion.isVersion(greaterThan: "3.5.99"))
XCTAssertTrue(UIDevice.current.systemVersion.isVersion(lessThanOrEqualTo: "13.5.99"))
XCTAssertTrue(UIDevice.current.systemVersion.isVersion(greaterThanOrEqualTo: UIDevice.current.systemVersion))
XCTAssertTrue("0.1.1".isVersion(greaterThan: "0.1"))
XCTAssertTrue("0.1.0".isVersion(equalTo: "0.1"))
XCTAssertTrue("10.0.0".isVersion(equalTo: "10"))
XCTAssertTrue("10.0.1".isVersion(equalTo: "10.0.1"))
XCTAssertTrue("5.10.10".isVersion(lessThan: "5.11.5"))
XCTAssertTrue("1.0.0".isVersion(greaterThan: "0.99.100"))
XCTAssertTrue("0.5.3".isVersion(lessThanOrEqualTo: "1.0.0"))
XCTAssertTrue("0.5.29".isVersion(greaterThanOrEqualTo: "0.5.3"))



斯威夫特 3 版本

let storeVersion = "3.14.10"
let currentVersion = "3.130.10"

extension String {
    func versionToInt() -> [Int] {
        return self.components(separatedBy: ".")
            .map { Int.init($0) ?? 0 }

Swift 2 版本比较

let storeVersion = "3.14.10"

let currentVersion = "3.130.10"
extension String {
    func versionToInt() -> [Int] {
      return self.componentsSeparatedByString(".")
          .map {
              Int.init($0) ?? 0

// true

斯威夫特 4+

let current = "1.3"
let appStore = "1.2.9"
let versionCompare = current.compare(appStore, options: .numeric)
if versionCompare == .orderedSame {
    print("same version")
} else if versionCompare == .orderedAscending {
    // will execute the code here
    print("ask user to update")
} else if versionCompare == .orderedDescending {
    // execute if current > appStore
    print("don't expect happen...")


extension String {

  static func ==(lhs: String, rhs: String) -> Bool {
    return lhs.compare(rhs, options: .numeric) == .orderedSame

  static func <(lhs: String, rhs: String) -> Bool {
    return lhs.compare(rhs, options: .numeric) == .orderedAscending

  static func <=(lhs: String, rhs: String) -> Bool {
    return lhs.compare(rhs, options: .numeric) == .orderedAscending || lhs.compare(rhs, options: .numeric) == .orderedSame

  static func >(lhs: String, rhs: String) -> Bool {
    return lhs.compare(rhs, options: .numeric) == .orderedDescending

  static func >=(lhs: String, rhs: String) -> Bool {
    return lhs.compare(rhs, options: .numeric) == .orderedDescending || lhs.compare(rhs, options: .numeric) == .orderedSame


"1.2.3" == "1.2.3" // true
"1.2.3" > "1.2.3" // false
"1.2.3" >= "1.2.3" // true
"1.2.3" < "1.2.3" // false
"1.2.3" <= "1.2.3" // true

"3.0.0" >= "" // false
"3.0.0" > "" // false
"3.0.0" <= "" // true
"" >= "" // true
"" >= "3.0.2" // false
"3.0.15" > "" // true
"3.0.10" > "" // false
"" == "" // false
"" > "" // true

"3.14.10" == "3.130.10" // false
"3.14.10" > "3.130.10" // false
"3.14.10" >= "3.130.10" // false
"3.14.10" < "3.130.10" // true
"3.14.10" <= "3.130.10" // true


有时,storeVersion 的长度不等于 currentVersion 的长度。 例如,也许 storeVersion 是3.0.0 ,但是,您修复了一个错误并将其命名为3.0.0.1

func ascendingOrSameVersion(minorVersion smallerVersion:String, largerVersion:String)->Bool{
    var result = true //default value is equal

    let smaller = split(smallerVersion){ $0 == "." }
    let larger = split(largerVersion){ $0 == "." }

    let maxLength = max(smaller.count, larger.count)

    for var i:Int = 0; i < maxLength; i++ {
        var s = i < smaller.count ? smaller[i] : "0"
        var l = i < larger.count ? larger[i] : "0"
        if s != l {
            result = s < l
    return result

使用 Swift 3,可以使用将选项设置为数字的 compare 函数来比较应用程序版本字符串。

阅读Apple Developers 文档中的 String Programming Guide,以获取有关其工作原理的 Objective-C 示例。


print("2.0.3".compare("2.0.4", options: .numeric))//orderedAscending
print("2.0.3".compare("2.0.5", options: .numeric))//orderedAscending

print("2.0.4".compare("2.0.4", options: .numeric))//orderedSame

print("2.0.4".compare("2.0.3", options: .numeric))//orderedDescending
print("2.0.5".compare("2.0.3", options: .numeric))//orderedDescending

print("2.0.10".compare("2.0.11", options: .numeric))//orderedAscending
print("2.0.10".compare("2.0.20", options: .numeric))//orderedAscending

print("2.0.0".compare("2.0.00", options: .numeric))//orderedSame
print("2.0.00".compare("2.0.0", options: .numeric))//orderedSame

print("2.0.20".compare("2.0.19", options: .numeric))//orderedDescending
print("2.0.99".compare("2.1.0", options: .numeric))//orderedAscending


如果您喜欢使用库,请使用此库,不要重新发明轮子。 https://github.com/zenangst/Versions

您可以使用“String.compare”方法来完成。 使用比较结果来确定您的版本何时大于、等于或小于。


"1.1.2".compare("1.1.1").rawValue -> ComparisonResult.orderedDescending
"1.1.2".compare("1.1.2").rawValue -> ComparisonResult.orderedSame
"1.1.2".compare("1.1.3").rawValue -> ComparisonResult.orderedAscending

写了一个小的 Swift 3 类来做到这一点:

class VersionString: NSObject {

    // MARK: - Properties
    var string = ""
    override var description: String {
        return string

    // MARK: - Initialization
    private override init() {
    convenience init(_ string: String) {
        self.string = string

    func compare(_ rhs: VersionString) -> ComparisonResult {
        return string.compare(rhs.string, options: .numeric)

    static func ==(lhs: VersionString, rhs: VersionString) -> Bool {
        return lhs.compare(rhs) == .orderedSame

    static func <(lhs: VersionString, rhs: VersionString) -> Bool {
        return lhs.compare(rhs) == .orderedAscending

    static func <=(lhs: VersionString, rhs: VersionString) -> Bool {
        return lhs.compare(rhs) == .orderedAscending || lhs.compare(rhs) == .orderedSame

    static func >(lhs: VersionString, rhs: VersionString) -> Bool {
        return lhs.compare(rhs) == .orderedDescending

    static func >=(lhs: VersionString, rhs: VersionString) -> Bool {
        return lhs.compare(rhs) == .orderedDescending || lhs.compare(rhs) == .orderedSame

let v1 = VersionString("1.2.3")
let v2 = VersionString("1.2.3")

print("\(v1) == \(v2): \(v1 == v2)") // 1.2.3 == 1.2.3: true
print("\(v1) >  \(v2): \(v1 > v2)")  // 1.2.3 >  1.2.3: false
print("\(v1) >= \(v2): \(v1 >= v2)") // 1.2.3 >= 1.2.3: true
print("\(v1) <  \(v2): \(v1 < v2)")  // 1.2.3 <  1.2.3: false
print("\(v1) <= \(v2): \(v1 <= v2)") // 1.2.3 <= 1.2.3: true

@DragonCherry 解决方案很棒!


我更改了您的扩展并改进了测试以涵盖(我相信)所有情况。 此外,我创建了一个扩展,从版本字符串中删除所有不必要的字符,有时它可以是v1.0.1.2



我混合了 Ashok 版本和 DragonCherry:

// MARK: - Version comparison

extension String {

    // Modified from the DragonCherry extension - https://github.com/DragonCherry/VersionCompare
    private func compare(toVersion targetVersion: String) -> ComparisonResult {
        let versionDelimiter = "."
        var result: ComparisonResult = .orderedSame
        var versionComponents = components(separatedBy: versionDelimiter)
        var targetComponents = targetVersion.components(separatedBy: versionDelimiter)

        while versionComponents.count < targetComponents.count {

        while targetComponents.count < versionComponents.count {

        for (version, target) in zip(versionComponents, targetComponents) {
            result = version.compare(target, options: .numeric)
            if result != .orderedSame {

        return result

    func isVersion(equalTo targetVersion: String) -> Bool { return compare(toVersion: targetVersion) == .orderedSame }

    func isVersion(greaterThan targetVersion: String) -> Bool { return compare(toVersion: targetVersion) == .orderedDescending }

    func isVersion(greaterThanOrEqualTo targetVersion: String) -> Bool { return compare(toVersion: targetVersion) != .orderedAscending }

    func isVersion(lessThan targetVersion: String) -> Bool { return compare(toVersion: targetVersion) == .orderedAscending }

    func isVersion(lessThanOrEqualTo targetVersion: String) -> Bool { return compare(toVersion: targetVersion) != .orderedDescending }

    static func ==(lhs: String, rhs: String) -> Bool { lhs.compare(toVersion: rhs) == .orderedSame }

    static func <(lhs: String, rhs: String) -> Bool { lhs.compare(toVersion: rhs) == .orderedAscending }

    static func <=(lhs: String, rhs: String) -> Bool { lhs.compare(toVersion: rhs) != .orderedDescending }

    static func >(lhs: String, rhs: String) -> Bool { lhs.compare(toVersion: rhs) == .orderedDescending }

    static func >=(lhs: String, rhs: String) -> Bool { lhs.compare(toVersion: rhs) != .orderedAscending }



"1.2.3" == "1.2.3" // true
"1.2.3" > "1.2.3" // false
"1.2.3" >= "1.2.3" // true
"1.2.3" < "1.2.3" // false
"1.2.3" <= "1.2.3" // true

"3.0.0" >= "" // false
"3.0.0" > "" // false
"3.0.0" <= "" // true
"" >= "" // true
"" >= "3.0.2" // false
"3.0.15" > "" // true
"3.0.10" > "" // false
"" == "" // false
"" > "" // true

"3.14.10" == "3.130.10" // false
"3.14.10" > "3.130.10" // false
"3.14.10" >= "3.130.10" // false
"3.14.10" < "3.130.10" // true
"3.14.10" <= "3.130.10" // true

"0.1.1".isVersion(greaterThan: "0.1")
"0.1.0".isVersion(equalTo: "0.1")
"10.0.0".isVersion(equalTo: "10")
"10.0.1".isVersion(equalTo: "10.0.1")
"5.10.10".isVersion(lessThan: "5.11.5")
"1.0.0".isVersion(greaterThan: "0.99.100")
"0.5.3".isVersion(lessThanOrEqualTo: "1.0.0")
"0.5.29".isVersion(greaterThanOrEqualTo: "0.5.3")


let storeVersion = "3.14.10"

let currentVersion = "3.130.10"

func versionToArray(version: String) -> [Int] {
    return split(version) {
        $0 == "."
    }.map {
        // possibly smarter ways to do this
        $0.toInt() ?? 0

storeVersion < currentVersion  // false

// true
lexicographicalCompare(versionToArray(storeVersion), versionToArray(currentVersion))
extension String {

    func compareVersionNumbers(other: String) -> Int {
        let nums1 = self.split(separator: ".").map({ Int($0) ?? 0 })
        let nums2 = other.split(separator: ".").map({ Int($0) ?? 0 })
        for i in 0..<max(nums1.count, nums2.count) {
            let num1 = i < nums1.count ? nums1[i] : 0
            let num2 = i < nums2.count ? nums2[i] : 0
            if num1 != num2 {
                return num1 - num2
        return 0

我最终为我的项目创建了以下课程。 在这里分享,以防它对某人有帮助。 干杯……!!

import Foundation

final class AppVersionComparator {

var currentVersion: String

init() {
    let version = Bundle.main.infoDictionary?["CFBundleShortVersionString"] as? String
    self.currentVersion = version ?? ""

func compareVersions(lhs: String, rhs: String) -> ComparisonResult {
    let comparisonResult = lhs.compare(rhs, options: .numeric)
    return comparisonResult

 - If lower bound is present perform lowerBound check
 - If upper bound is present perform upperBound check
 - Return true if both are nil
func fallsInClosedRange(lowerBound: String?, upperBound: String?) -> Bool {
    if let lowerBound = lowerBound {
        let lowerBoundComparisonResult = compareVersions(lhs: currentVersion, rhs: lowerBound)
        guard lowerBoundComparisonResult == .orderedSame || lowerBoundComparisonResult == .orderedDescending else { return false }
    if let upperBound = upperBound {
        let upperBoundComparisonResult = compareVersions(lhs: currentVersion, rhs: upperBound)
        guard upperBoundComparisonResult == .orderedSame || upperBoundComparisonResult == .orderedAscending else { return false }
    return true

 - If lower bound is present perform lowerBound check
 - If upper bound is present perform upperBound check
 - Return true if both are nil
func fallsInOpenRange(lowerBound: String?, upperBound: String?) -> Bool {
    if let lowerBound = lowerBound {
        let lowerBoundComparisonResult = compareVersions(lhs: currentVersion, rhs: lowerBound)
        guard lowerBoundComparisonResult == .orderedDescending else { return false }
    if let upperBound = upperBound {
        let upperBoundComparisonResult = compareVersions(lhs: currentVersion, rhs: upperBound)
        guard upperBoundComparisonResult == .orderedAscending else { return false }
    return true

func isCurrentVersionGreaterThan(version: String) -> Bool {
    let result = compareVersions(lhs: currentVersion, rhs: version)
    return result == .orderedDescending

func isCurrentVersionLessThan(version: String) -> Bool {
    let result = compareVersions(lhs: currentVersion, rhs: version)
    return result == .orderedAscending

func isCurrentVersionEqualsTo(version: String) -> Bool {
    let result = compareVersions(lhs: currentVersion, rhs: version)
    return result == .orderedSame


import XCTest

class AppVersionComparatorTests: XCTestCase {

var appVersionComparator: AppVersionComparator!

override func setUp() {
    self.appVersionComparator = AppVersionComparator()

func testInit() {

func testCompareEqualVersions() {
    let testVersions = [VersionComparisonModel(lhs: "1.2.1", rhs: "1.2.1"),
                        VersionComparisonModel(lhs: "1.0", rhs: "1.0"),
                        VersionComparisonModel(lhs: "1.0.2", rhs: "1.0.2"),
                        VersionComparisonModel(lhs: "0.1.1", rhs: "0.1.1"),
                        VersionComparisonModel(lhs: "3.2.1", rhs: "3.2.1")]
    for model in testVersions {
        let result = appVersionComparator.compareVersions(lhs: model.lhs, rhs: model.rhs)
        XCTAssertEqual(result, .orderedSame)

func testLHSLessThanRHS() {
    let lhs = "1.2.0"
    let rhs = "1.2.1"
    let result = appVersionComparator.compareVersions(lhs: lhs, rhs: rhs)
    XCTAssertEqual(result, .orderedAscending)

func testInvalidRange() {
    let isCurrentVersionInClosedRange = appVersionComparator.currentVersionFallsInClosedRange(lowerBound: "", upperBound: "")
    let isCurrentVersionInOpenRange = appVersionComparator.currentVersionFallsInOpenRange(lowerBound: "", upperBound: "")

func testCurrentInClosedRangeSuccess() {
    appVersionComparator.currentVersion = "1.2.1"
    let isCurrentVersionInClosedRange = appVersionComparator.currentVersionFallsInClosedRange(lowerBound: "1.2.0", upperBound: "1.2.1")

func testIsCurrentVersionGreaterThanGivenVersion() {
    appVersionComparator.currentVersion = "1.4.2"
    let result = appVersionComparator.isCurrentVersionGreaterThan(version: "1.2")

func testIsCurrentVersionLessThanGivenVersion() {
    appVersionComparator.currentVersion = "1.4.2"
    let result = appVersionComparator.isCurrentVersionLessThan(version: "1.5")

func testIsCurrentVersionEqualsToGivenVersion() {
    appVersionComparator.currentVersion = "1.4.2"
    let result = appVersionComparator.isCurrentVersionEqualsTo(version: "1.4.2")

Mock Model:

struct VersionComparisonModel {

let lhs: String

let rhs: String 


这是一个简单的 swift 结构

public struct VersionString: Comparable {

    public let rawValue: String

    public init(_ rawValue: String) {
        self.rawValue = rawValue

    public static func == (lhs: VersionString, rhs: VersionString) -> Bool {
        return lhs.rawValue.compare(rhs.rawValue, options: .numeric) == .orderedSame

    public static func < (lhs: VersionString, rhs: VersionString) -> Bool {
        return lhs.rawValue.compare(rhs.rawValue, options: .numeric) == .orderedAscending

我可以理解给出了很多很好的答案。 这是我的应用程序版本比较版本。

func compareVersions(installVersion: String, storeVersion: String) -> Bool{
        // 1.7.5
        var installedArr = installVersion.components(separatedBy: ".")
        var storeArr = storeVersion.components(separatedBy: ".")
        var isAvailable = false

        while(installedArr.count < storeArr.count){

        while(storeArr.count < installedArr.count){

        for index in 0 ..< installedArr.count{
            if let storeIndex=storeArr[index].toInt(), let installIndex=installedArr[index].toInt(){
                if storeIndex > installIndex{
                    isAvailable = true
                    return isAvailable

        return isAvailable


这是要点https://gist.github.com/shamzahasan88/bc22af2b7c96b6a06a064243a02c8bcc 希望对大家有帮助。


extension String {

  // Version format "12.34.39" where "12" is "Major", "34" is "Minor" and "39" is "Bug fixes"
  // "maximumDigitCountInVersionComponent" is optional parameter determines the maximum length of "Maajor", "Minor" and "Bug Fixes" 
  func shouldUpdateAsCompareToVersion(storeVersion: String, maximumDigitCountInVersionComponent: Int = 5) -> Bool {
        let adjustTralingZeros: (String, Int)->String = { val, count in
            return "\(val)\((0..<(count)).map{_ in "0"}.joined(separator: ""))"
        let adjustLength: ([String.SubSequence], Int)->[String] = { strArray, count in
            return strArray.map {adjustTralingZeros("\($0)", count-$0.count)}
        let storeVersionSubSequence = storeVersion.split(separator: ".")
        let currentVersionSubSequence = self.split(separator: ".")
        let formatter = NumberFormatter()
        formatter.minimumIntegerDigits = maximumDigitCountInVersionComponent
        formatter.maximumIntegerDigits = maximumDigitCountInVersionComponent
        let storeVersions = adjustLength(storeVersionSubSequence, maximumDigitCountInVersionComponent)
        let currentVersions = adjustLength(currentVersionSubSequence, maximumDigitCountInVersionComponent)
        var storeVersionString = storeVersions.joined(separator: "")
        var currentVersionString = currentVersions.joined(separator: "")
        let diff = storeVersionString.count - currentVersionString.count

        if diff > 0 {
            currentVersionString = adjustTralingZeros(currentVersionString, diff)
        }else if diff < 0 {
            storeVersionString = adjustTralingZeros(storeVersionString, -diff)
        let literalStoreVersion = Int(storeVersionString)!
        let literalCurrentVersion = Int(currentVersionString)!
        return literalCurrentVersion < literalStoreVersion


print("33.29".shouldUpdateAsCompareToVersion(storeVersion: "34.23.19")) // true
print("35.29".shouldUpdateAsCompareToVersion(storeVersion: "34.23.19")) // false
print("34.23.2".shouldUpdateAsCompareToVersion(storeVersion: "34.23.19")) // false
print("34.23.18".shouldUpdateAsCompareToVersion(storeVersion: "34.23.19")) // true
extension String {
    func versionCompare(_ otherVersion: String) -> ComparisonResult {
        let versionDelimiter = "."

        var versionComponents = self.components(separatedBy: versionDelimiter) // <1>
        var otherVersionComponents = otherVersion.components(separatedBy: versionDelimiter)

        let zeroDiff = versionComponents.count - otherVersionComponents.count // <2>

        if zeroDiff == 0 { // <3>
            // Same format, compare normally
            return self.compare(otherVersion, options: .literal)
        } else {
            let zeros = Array(repeating: "0", count: abs(zeroDiff)) // <4>
            if zeroDiff > 0 {
                otherVersionComponents.append(contentsOf: zeros) // <5>
            } else {
                versionComponents.append(contentsOf: zeros)
            return versionComponents.joined(separator: versionDelimiter)
                .compare(otherVersionComponents.joined(separator: versionDelimiter), options: .literal) // <6>


let previousVersionNumber = "1.102.130"
let newAnpStoreVersion = "1.2" // <- Higher

switch previousVersionNumber.versionCompare(newAnpStoreVersion) {
case .orderedAscending:
case .orderedSame:
case .orderedDescending:


class func compareVersion(_ ver: String, to toVer: String) -> ComparisonResult {
    var ary0 = ver.components(separatedBy: ".").map({ return Int($0) ?? 0 })
    var ary1 = toVer.components(separatedBy: ".").map({ return Int($0) ?? 0 })
    while ary0.count < 3 {
    while ary1.count < 3 {
    let des0 = ary0[0...2].description
    let des1 = ary1[0...2].description
    return des0.compare(des1, options: .numeric)


func test_compare_version() {
    XCTAssertEqual(compareVersion("1.0.0", to: "1.0.0"), .orderedSame)
    XCTAssertEqual(compareVersion("1.0.0", to: "1.0."), .orderedSame)
    XCTAssertEqual(compareVersion("1.0.0", to: "1.0"), .orderedSame)
    XCTAssertEqual(compareVersion("1.0.0", to: "1."), .orderedSame)
    XCTAssertEqual(compareVersion("1.0.0", to: "1"), .orderedSame)
    XCTAssertEqual(compareVersion("1.0.0", to: "1.0.1"), .orderedAscending)
    XCTAssertEqual(compareVersion("1.0.0", to: "1.1."), .orderedAscending)
    XCTAssertEqual(compareVersion("1.0.0", to: "1.1"), .orderedAscending)
    XCTAssertEqual(compareVersion("1.0.0", to: "2."), .orderedAscending)
    XCTAssertEqual(compareVersion("1.0.0", to: "2"), .orderedAscending)

    XCTAssertEqual(compareVersion("1.0.0", to: "1.0.0"), .orderedSame)
    XCTAssertEqual(compareVersion("1.0.", to: "1.0.0"), .orderedSame)
    XCTAssertEqual(compareVersion("1.0", to: "1.0.0"), .orderedSame)
    XCTAssertEqual(compareVersion("1.", to: "1.0.0"), .orderedSame)
    XCTAssertEqual(compareVersion("1", to: "1.0.0"), .orderedSame)
    XCTAssertEqual(compareVersion("1.0.1", to: "1.0.0"), .orderedDescending)
    XCTAssertEqual(compareVersion("1.1.", to: "1.0.0"), .orderedDescending)
    XCTAssertEqual(compareVersion("1.1", to: "1.0.0"), .orderedDescending)
    XCTAssertEqual(compareVersion("2.", to: "1.0.0"), .orderedDescending)
    XCTAssertEqual(compareVersion("2", to: "1.0.0"), .orderedDescending)

    XCTAssertEqual(compareVersion("1.0.0", to: "0.9.9"), .orderedDescending)
    XCTAssertEqual(compareVersion("1.0.0", to: "0.9."), .orderedDescending)
    XCTAssertEqual(compareVersion("1.0.0", to: "0.9"), .orderedDescending)
    XCTAssertEqual(compareVersion("1.0.0", to: "0."), .orderedDescending)
    XCTAssertEqual(compareVersion("1.0.0", to: "0"), .orderedDescending)

    XCTAssertEqual(compareVersion("", to: "0"), .orderedSame)
    XCTAssertEqual(compareVersion("0", to: ""), .orderedSame)
    XCTAssertEqual(compareVersion("", to: "1"), .orderedAscending)
    XCTAssertEqual(compareVersion("1", to: ""), .orderedDescending)

    XCTAssertEqual(compareVersion("1.0.0", to: ""), .orderedSame)
    XCTAssertEqual(compareVersion("", to: "1.0.0"), .orderedSame)


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