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TypeError:类型'int'的参数不可迭代python 2.7

[英]TypeError: argument of type 'int' is not iterable python 2.7

我正在写一个脚本来解决数独难题,我最初只是为9x9构建的,现在又将其扩展到任何数独。 该脚本可以在4x4和9x9上运行,但是当我给它一个16x16时,它返回TypeError:类型'int'的参数在第38行的Python 2.7中不是可迭代的,'if i in dic [entry]:dic [entry] .remove(i )”


from math import sqrt
def sudoku(puzzle):
    n = len(puzzle)
    # Builds Dictionary with board position and value
    dic = {str(i+1) + '-' + str(j+1): puzzle[i][j] for i in xrange(0, n) for j in xrange(0, n)}
    # Builds list of each possible value for all empty (0) spaces, only considers row and column possibilities
    while 0 in dic.values():
        for entry in dic:
            if dic[entry] == 0:
                temp1 = []
                temp2 = []
                for entry1 in dic:
                    if entry1[0] == entry[0]: temp1.append(dic[entry1])
                    if entry1[-1] == entry[-1]: temp1.append(dic[entry1])
                for i in xrange(1, n+1):
                    if i not in temp1: temp2.append(i)
                dic[entry] = temp2
    # populates dictionary with invalid spaces in each square
        sqrdic = {str(i)+str(j): [] for i in xrange(1, int(sqrt(n))+1) for j in xrange(1, int(sqrt(n))+1)}
        for entry in dic:
            if len(str(dic[entry])) == 1:
                for index in xrange(1, int(n/sqrt(n)+1)):
                    if (index-1)*sqrt(n) < int(entry[0]) <= index*sqrt(n):
                        for index2 in xrange(1, int(sqrt(n))+1):
                            if (index2-1)*sqrt(n) < int(entry[-1]) <= index2*sqrt(n):
                                sqrdic[str(index) + str(index2)].append(dic[entry])
        # Removes invalid choices based on values in the square
        for entry in dic:
            if len(str(dic[entry])) > 1:  # only looking at spaces with multiple possible values
                for index in xrange(1, int(n/sqrt(n)+1)):
                    if (index-1)*sqrt(n) < int(entry[0]) <= index*sqrt(n):
                        for index2 in xrange(1, int(sqrt(n))+1):
                            if (index2-1)*sqrt(n) < int(entry[-1]) <= index2*sqrt(n):
                                for i in sqrdic[str(index)+str(index2)]:
                                    if i in dic[entry]: dic[entry].remove(i)
        # Looks for any space whose possibilities have been reduced to one and replaces the list with that value
        # All unsolved spaces are then set back to 0
        for entry in dic:
            if type(dic[entry]) is list and len(dic[entry]) == 1:
                dic[entry] = int(dic[entry][0])
            elif type(dic[entry]) is list and len(dic[entry]) > 1: dic[entry] = 0
    solution = [[dic[str(j)+"-"+str(i)] for i in xrange(1,n+1)] for j in xrange(1,n+1)]
    for line in solution: print line






if len(str(dic[entry])) > 1:  # only looking at spaces with multiple possible values


我不清楚,为什么需要将所有这些都转换为字符串。 在我看来,您可以将它们存储为列表,然后检查列表的长度是否大于1。



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