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如何从文本文件计算python 2.7中的平均单词和句子长度

[英]How to calculate average word & Sentence length in python 2.7 from a text file


我正在尝试从文本文件计算平均单词长度和句子长度。 我似乎无法绕过它。 我刚刚开始使用随后在主文件中调用的函数。


import Consonants
import Vowels
import Sentences
import Questions
import Words

""" Vowels """

text = Vowels.fileToString("test.txt")    
x = Vowels.countVowels(text)

print str(x) + " Vowels"

""" Consonats """

text = Consonants.fileToString("test.txt")    
x = Consonants.countConsonants(text)

print str(x) + " Consonants"

""" Sentences """

text = Sentences.fileToString("test.txt")    
x = Sentences.countSentences(text)
print str(x) + " Sentences"

""" Questions """

text = Questions.fileToString("test.txt")    
x = Questions.countQuestions(text)

print str(x) + " Questions"

""" Words """
text = Words.fileToString("test.txt")    
x = Words.countWords(text)

print str(x) + " Words"


def fileToString(filename):
    myFile = open(filename, "r")
    myText = ""
    for ch in myFile:
        myText = myText + ch
    return myText

def countWords(text):
    vcount = 0
    spaces = [' ']
    for letter in text:
        if (letter in spaces):
            vcount = vcount + 1
    return vcount

我想知道如何将字长计算为导入的函数? 我在这里尝试使用其他一些线程,但是它们对我而言无法正常工作。


  • 读取文件,使用enumerate()进行for循环, split()它,并检查它们如何以endswith()结尾。 喜欢;

for ind,word in enumerate(readlines.split()): if word.endswith("?") ..... if word.endswith("!")

然后将它们放在字典中,并在while循环中使用ind (index)值;

obj = "Hey there! how are you? I hope you are ok."
dict1 = {}
for ind,word in enumerate(obj.split()):

x = 0
while x<len(dict1):
    if "?" in dict1[x]:
        print (list(dict1.values())[:x+1])
    x += 1


['Hey', 'there!', 'how', 'are', 'you?']

你看,我居然把这句话删了直到达到? 因此,我现在在列表中有一个句子(您可以将其更改为! )。 我可以达到每个元素的长度,其余的都是简单的数学。 您将找到每个元素长度的总和,然后将其除以该列表的长度。 理论上,它将给出平均值。

请记住,这是算法。 确实必须更改此代码以适合您的数据,关键点是enumerate()endswith()dict

老实说,当您匹配单词和句子之类的内容时,最好不要仅仅依靠str.split来捕获每一个str.split情况, str.split学习和使用正则表达式。

Here is some text. It is written on more than one line, and will have several sentences.

Some sentences will have their OWN line!

It will also have a question. Is this the question? I think it is.


import re

with open('test.txt') as infile:
    data = infile.read()

sentence_pat = re.compile(r"""
    \b                # sentences will start with a word boundary
    ([^.!?]+[.!?]+)   # continue with one or more non-sentence-ending
                      #    characters, followed by one or more sentence-
                      #    ending characters.""", re.X)

word_pat = re.compile(r"""
    (\S+)             # Words are just groups of non-whitespace together
    """, re.X)

sentences = sentence_pat.findall(data)
words = word_pat.findall(data)

average_sentence_length = sum([len(sentence) for sentence in sentences])/len(sentences)
average_word_length = sum([len(word) for word in words])/len(words)


>>> sentences
['Here is some text.',
 'It is written on more than one line, and will have several sentences.',
 'Some sentences will have their OWN line!',
 'It will also have a question.',
 'Is this the question?',
 'I think it is.']

>>> words
 ... ,

>>> average_sentence_length

>>> average_word_length



def avg_word_len(filename):
    word_lengths = []
    for line in open(filename).readlines():
        word_lengths.extend([len(word) for word in line.split()])
    return sum(word_lengths)/len(word_lengths)

注意:此处不考虑。 和! 字尾..等

如果您想自己制作脚本,则不适用,但是我将使用NLTK。 它有一些非常好的工具可以处理很长的文本。

本页提供nltk的备忘单。 您应该能够导入文本,以大量列表形式获得情感,并获得n-gram(长度为n的单词)的列表。 然后,您可以计算平均值。


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